Little Darlings

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"Okay, everyone is fed! And I'm exhausted!"

"Now it's your turn to eat! I'll be right back with your dinner."

"Aw, thank you, Ethel! You're too sweet."

Ethel smiles and walks out of Elsa's tent.

"Ethel! Are the babies here yet?!" Desiree asks.

"We haven't heard Elsa scream in a while." Paul said.
"Is everything okay?"

"Yes! The babies are here." Ethel smiles.

"Can we see them?!" Desiree asks.

"Let me see if they're ready for visitors."

"I'm a grandpappy? Poppa Dell!" Dell says with a smile.

Ethel chuckles and hugs her ex lover.
"They are so cute, Dell! SO cute!"

"Aw.. hows Elsa?"

"She's in a lot of pain right now. She tore."


"But she did beautifully!"

"So you're okay with her now?"

Ethel smiles with tears in her eyes.
She nods her head and says, "Yes, everything's fine! She was amazing! She's already such an amazing mother."

"I knew she would be. Is Jimmy happy?"

"Oh gosh, he's on cloud nine! Let me see if you all can visit."

Ethel then walks back into Elsa's tent.

"Hey, you five have loads of visitors wanting to meet the new little babies."

"Oh yes! Send them in!" Elsa smiles.

"They're gonna freak when they see me with a baby and you with two!" Jimmy says.

Elsa laughs and says, "I know! I can't wait!"

"Okay guys, come on in!"

Everyone tip goes in, carful not to disturb the newborns.

"Heyyy!" Desiree whispers.

"Oh my God!" She shouts.

Elsa chuckles and looks down to the two babies in her arms.

"Jimmy!  Where did you get that one?!" Dell asks.

"This little shrimp was hiding!  There were three puppies in there, dad!"

"Don't call them puppies!" Elsa chuckles.

"What are they?!" Eve asks.

"Well in birth order we have Franz!" Elsa smiles and places a soft kiss on the baby's forehead.

"And then came Fritz!" She kisses him as well.

"Baby boys!"

"Yep!  Aaand.. one little princess named Marlena! She's over there with her daddy."

"Oh my goodness!  This is so perfect!" Desiree jumps.

"I know! I was so happy with my boys, but I was thinking, Damn! We're gonna have to try for a girl now!" Elsa laughs. "But Nope! She was in there wiggling around all by herself!"

"Aw the little sweetheart!"

Just then baby Fritz breaks free of his blanket, and lifts his hand in front of Elsa's face.

"Oh hi!" She giggles and kisses his tiny hand.

"Oh.. he has.. his hands are.. I'm sorry, you two.." Dell says.

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