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Jimmy and Elsa took the triplets back to the house.  Elsa was livid at her new neighbors.

"We have to move, Jimmy!"

"Elsie." Jimmy looked at Elsa like she was crazy.
"We just moved in, darling."

"But I hate them!  Those two are evil women and they WILL pay!"

"We just have to ignore them.  We have everything, and they're just jealous."

"The way she looked at my baby and his beautiful hands!" Elsa completely ignored Jimmy.
Elsa held Fritz and kissed his little hands.

"His whole life he'll have to deal with bitches like them.  His life will be so much harder than the other two, Jimmy."

"Yes, and it's my fault.  Just say it Elsa." Jimmy slightly raised his voice.

Elsa looks up to Jimmy and makes a face. "I'm talking about my son!  I'm not blaming you for anything!"

"Fine but you and I both know why he has those, and if you're acting like this now over those two jerks then I know eventually you're going to blame me!"

"Oh God, stop making it all about you!"

Jimmy sighs and walks back outside, slamming the door behind him.

"Ah!" Elsa scoffs.  The triplets started screaming and crying by the sudden loud noise. "Ugh!  Your father is an Ass!"


Elsa managed to get all three babies to calm down.  That's when the phone started ringing.

"No!" She whispers and leaps towards the phone.

"Hello?" She whispers, trying not to wake the babies.

"Elsa, it's Ethel."

"Oh, hello!  Sorry, the babies are sleeping that's why I'm whispering."

"Oh I'm sorry!  Should I call back later?"

"No, soon they'll wake up and want to eat, then they'll need to be changed!  This is the only time I have to talk." Elsa chuckles.

"Oh okay!  Well I just wanted to check in and see how you all are enjoying your new home."

"Well the home is lovely, but I hate our neighbors."


Elsa went on to explain what happened, and Ethel was heartbroken.

"Oh poor Fritz!  Poor You!"

"Yes, and you son is an asshole!"

"What did he do?"

"He's making it about him!  He keeps saying I'm blaming him, and I'm not!  Then he stormed out to the front yard and slammed the door, making all three babies scream!  He didn't even help me calm them down!" Elsa was on the verge of tears, but kept control.

"Oh gosh.. I'm so sorry, Elsa."

"It just bugs me!  I was so upset seeing the way those women treated my baby, I never once said anything about Jimmy!"

"Elsa, I don't know if I'm correct, but it might be because he knows it's because of him that Fritz will have it harder just like he did.  He probably feels terrible that he gave that to his son."

"That does make sense.." Elsa sighs. "I didn't think of it like that.  Oh gosh.. my poor baby." Elsa then starts crying. "I feel bad now, Ethel!"

"Don't feel bad, he WAS an ass.  You got that right!  It's completely normal for you to react that way.  Fritz is your son, and of course that mama bear mode activates when someone treats your child differently.  Then he makes all three cry and doesn't help you?  No, he knows better than to act that way!"

"Yeah.. I need to talk to him.  Let me let you go so I can talk to him before the little wake up wanting to be fed."

"Okay, darlin'!" Ethel chuckles. "Good luck!"


Elsa hangs up, quickly makes sure the triplets are still okay and sleeping, then walks out to the front yard to find Jimmy.

Closing the front door behind her Elsa walked over to Jimmy who was sitting on the porch step.

Elsa sat down beside him and sighed.

"Well.. your terrified children are asleep."

"Why are they terrified?"

"Because you slammed the door, my dear." Elsa smiles softly.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay.  I'm sorry too."


"Because.. I didn't think about how you may have felt after meeting those whores."

Jimmy sighs. "It's tough.. It's tough because I know how hard it is.. and I know I did that to him.  I hate myself for doing that to him."

Elsa wipes the single tear that rolled down her cheek.
"Jimmy, we can't look at it as a curse.  I do hate knowing he'll have life harder than the other two.... but he's gonna love his little hands." Elsa cries softly. "They're so special, and I'm sorry if I hurt you by saying to stop making it all about you."

Jimmy wrapped his arm around Elsa and she laid her head on him.
"It's okay."

"I'll never blame you for the way he is.  He's special, just like you, darling.  I love that our baby is just like his daddy."

"Thank you, babe..
  He may look like me, but I know he'll have his mommy's heart."

Elsa chuckles. "Don't say that, I'm not a very nice person."

"Yeah, maybe not other people, but to me and the babies you're pretty sweet."

Elsa laughs.  Jimmy then rubs her side and kisses her lips.

"Mmm.. That was nice, liebchen."

"Yep!" Jimmy smiles cutely making Elsa laugh.

Just then they hear the babies crying.
"Oh they're up.  And so fucking loud!  Shit, our neighbors are gonna hear them all the time, huh?" Elsa then smirks. "Oh that's perfect!  My little angels are gonna drive those bitches crazy!"

Jimmy chuckles then helps Elsa stand. "Let's go get them before they get any angrier."

Elsa walks to the door and turns the knob.  Her eyes widen and she nervously messes with the locked doorknob.

"Els, stop.  That's not funny.  Open the door."

"I'm not joking!  It's locked!  Do you have your key?!"

"What?!  No!  Dammit!  I was doing so good at this dad thing!" Jimmy whines and grabs his hair.

"My babies!" Elsa cries and looks through the window. "Jimmy, knock the door down!"

"Baby, just calm down.  Let's think of a plan!"

"I can't calm down!  My babies are locked in the house alone!"

"I know!  Just let me Think, Elsa!"

".... THINK FASTER!" Elsa shouts. "My breasts are leaking, and if you don't want the porch to be flooded with milk, I suggest you HURRYYYYY!"

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