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"Well telling your mother was the hard part.  You wanna tell everyone else tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we can do that."

"Do you think your father will be angry?"

"No!  He wasn't in my life for twenty years, he has no right to be angry."

"That's true.. Jimmy, I'm sure Ethel will come around.  Maybe not with me, but for sure you and the baby."

"I don't know.. even if she does.. if she doesn't speak to you, I'm not speaking to her."

"Jimmy, she's your mother."

"And you're my wife!"

"I am?"

"Well not yet!  But if you'll let me, I'd like to marry you."

"I want an extravagant proposal, honey, not this.  We just had sex!  Marry me!" Elsa says in a funny voice, mocking him.

"Fine!  I'll work on it." Jimmy laughs and kisses her forehead.
"By the way, I soooo don't talk like that!"

HEY!" Elsa shouts.

"WHAT?!" Jimmy matches her tone.

"Wanna move into my tent?"

"Yeah!  Oooohh cooool!  Were so couple-y now!  Moving in together.. having sex!  Having a baby!  We're official!"

"It became official when I missed my period." Elsa laughs.

"True!  I love you, Pooh." Jimmy strokes her her and smiles.

"I love you more, Liebchen."


The next morning Jimmy and Elsa walked out of her tent and headed over for breakfast.

"Everyone is here.. you wanna do it now?" Jimmy asks.

"Ah, yeah we can do it now. I'm so nervous!" Elsa grabs her stomach and takes a deep breath.

"It'll be okay."

Elsa then stood up.
"Everyone! I have something to say.
.. Jimmy, get up!" Elsa hits his shoulder. "We have something to say."

"Yeah.." Jimmy smiles softly as he places his hand on her back.

"Finally!" Ma Petite shouts.

"Yes. So I'll just go out and say it, Jimmy and I are kinda a uh.. a couple."

Everyone gasps.

"I KNEW IT!" Desiree says. "I knew you were screwing!"

"And Elsa's pregnant." Jimmy adds.

"Well damn, I didn't know that!
Does Ethel know?"

"She does.." Jimmy says before looking down to the ground.

"She didn't take it well, did she?"

"No.. Not at all. But it's okay! I love Elsa and no one is going to stand in the way of me being a devoted partner and father."

"Wow.. my boy's all grown up!" Dell stands up and walks towards him.
He hugs him and says, "Congratulations. I'm happy for you."

"You are?"

"Yeah!" Dell smacks him on the back of the head. "I'm gonna be a grampy!" He laughs. "A good looking one too!"

Elsa laughs as tears for in her eyes. She was so happy at least one of his parents was supportive.

"Elsa! Bring it in! Congratulations! And welcome to the family!"

"Thank you!"

"It's gonna be fun having a little baby around!" Bette smiles.

"We have to start making baby clothes!" Dot says with excitement.  It was very rare Dot got excited about anything!

"Aww! Oh thank you all so much! I must admit, it's taken me a long long time to be happy about this pregnancy, but.. now that it's really sunk in, and I actually look pregnant, and I've felt the baby move!  It's all just very very real and.. incredible!" Elsa speaks through her tears.

"Aw Elsa!" Eve hugs her.
"Now let's see that bump!"

Elsa laughs and pulls her nightgown tight around her belly.

"It's so big already!" She says.

"Cause it's a big strong boy!" Dell smiles.

"Dad! We don't know that!" Jimmy chuckles.

"Yes, she could be a little girl!" Elsa says with a smile.

"Boy or girl, we'll love them no matter what, right Pooh Bear?" Jimmy rubs Elsa's lower back.

"That's right!" She smiles before turning to him and kissing his lips.

"Awwww!" Everyone gushes.

Elsa pulls away and giggles.
"Oh shut up!" She says to them.


The next day was Christmas. Jimmy surprised Elsa with new clothes to fit her growing mid section, and a bottle of her favorite perfume.
Everyone had an incredible day. The only thing missing was Ethel.

Elsa knew it hurt Jimmy, and she felt terrible about it.
Towards the end of the night Jimmy moved some of his stuff into Elsa's tent since he would be staying there from now on.

"You tired, baby?"

"I am." Jimmy sighs.

"Well come sit down and I'll give you a back massage."

"Aw Pooh! I should be giving you a back massage."

"Well we're gonna take turns!"

"Sounds like a plan!" He chuckles.

Elsa smiles and gets to work. Every once in a while she gives the back of his neck little kisses.

"Mmm.. I have a feeling this little massage is going to lead to something else." Jimmy says.

"Mhmmmm.. that's why I'm doing this!"

"Get over here!" Jimmy quickly turns and flips her onto her back.

"Ahhhh!" Elsa giggles.

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