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"Three.. Two.. One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Jimmy and Elsa's lips meet.

"Happy New Year, Pooh!"

"Happy New Year, my Darling!"

"Happy New Year, little Squishy!" Jimmy kisses her belly.

Elsa giggles and looks down.
"We have a big year ahead of us, don't we?"

"We do! We're becoming parents this year! That's so crazy!"

"I know! I'm happy to have you, Liebchen."

"Not as Happy as I am, Pooh Bear."

Elsa smiles and softly kisses his lips.



"Do you mind if I go see my mom real quick?"

"Honey, of course I don't mind! Go! Tell her I said Happy New Year.. and that I miss her.."

"Why don't you come with me?"

Elsa sighs. "I don't know if that would be a good idea."

"Alright.. you're right.. I'll be back in five minuets!"

"Take your time, love."

"Thanks." Jimmy smiles and pecks her lips.


Jimmy walked over to Ethel's trailer and knocked on the door.

Ethel opened it and just stared at Jimmy.
"What are you doing here?"

"Mom, I miss you! Elsa misses you. Come on, this is crazy!"

"I don't want to hear about her, Jimmy."

Jimmy walks in and shuts the door behind him.
"You're my mother.. this is the greatest moment of my life. It won't be the same without you! Will you please just hear me out?

Yes, Elsa is older than I. But it works! I love her so much! I understand that I'm young, but hell mom, you were nineteen when you had me!"

"Oh Jimmy, don't you dare-"

"What, mom? It's true! I just wish you could be happy for me and Elsa.. I wish you could be happy about the baby.."

"Well.. I'm not."

Jimmy sighs and opens the door.
"Well then I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're stubborn and going to miss getting to know and love your grand baby."


January 4th.
16 weeks.



"I think I'm further along than the doctor says."

"What makes you think that?"

"Look at me!" Elsa cries.

"Honey, why are you crying? You look beautiful!"

"None of my new costumes fit!"

"Aw!" Jimmy pouts.

"And your mother won't fix them for me! I don't know what to do, Jimmy! I can't go on stage like this!"

"We can go into town and get them altered, it's okay."

"No there isn't time! I need something to wear tonight!"

"Well let me see if Desiree can do it!"

"No! I just won't go on tonight!"

"Honey, that's crazy. Let me just ask her!"

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