-Chapter One-

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"This is how it ends, Y̸̨̼̟̑́͌̀/̷̙͔̤̬̐́͜n̵͙̝͍̰̆̑,he says, gun in hand, pointing it at me. His dead eyes pierce my soul, sending shivers down my spine. It made me feel hopeless. Nothing I say will make him stop. Even if I were to beg for my life, he'd still shoot me down with the same expressionless face.

"I failed this life, and I will fail again in the next. Nothing in this world can fix what is already broken." I say to him, monologuing my thoughts out loud for him to hear. "I wish you eternal happiness. And wish to tell you, with my last words, that my only regret in life,

was ever meeting you."


"That's a morbid end," Hina says, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I know." I say, resting my head on my hand.

My head was still filled with vivid images and feelings from that dream. I couldn't concentrate at all in class. It was worse than usual. And telling Hina would be useless. All it'll do is make her worried. Which I've done enough of this past week.

"You know what you should do, Y/n?" Hina says, snapping me out of my thoughts, clearly knowing it bothered me. "You should go see a fortune teller." She says, taking out her lunch from underneath her desk.

"What? No way." I refuse instantly. I would never go see a fortune teller. All they are, are frauds. Stealing people's money, using their venerability against them. Nah-uh, nope, never.

"I mean, think about it," Hina says, taking a bite out of her lunch. "What if, you find out you're seeing somebody else's life? You could probably help them." Hina smugly says, wanting me to go see a fortune teller, so she could come with.

"From what I dreamt yesterday, they're probably dead, so how do I help them?" I state, giving up on the conversation.

"Hmm...what about a vision of the future? Oh, maybe it's yours!" Hina exclaims, standing up from her seat.

"Wha-No! Do you want me dead, is that it?" I say, refusing to believe that those dreams are visions of the future, especially mine.

"But think about it," Hina inclines, "What if, they're like warnings?"

"Warnings?" I ask.

"Yeah, warnings that can help you avoid your impending death." Hina says.

"As if," I chuckle, at the wild imagination Hina can sometimes have, "if they are warnings, which they aren't, they're pretty shitty ones, if you ask me."

"But Y/n-chan! What if you avoid them and it actually happens, and you die!" Hina worries, clutching my arm. "And it all happened because you avoided them!"

"You're not making any sense, Hina." I gently push her head away from me. "Plus, if anything happens to me, I can depend on yo-"

Suddenly, one of Hina's classmates interrupts me by slamming the classroom door open.

"Hina-chan!" she calls out towards us, "You have to come see this!" she signals for Hina to follow her.

Hina stands up and apologizes to me and leaves.

What's happening?

Curiosity piqued, I make my way to the location where I hear the most commotion. 

Seeing a crowd of people, I head towards them. Squishing myself through the mobs of people to get a better view. I found myself spotting familiar faces.

"Oi, Yamagishi! Suzuki!" I call out to them, "What's going on?"

Both boys turn around, fear written across their faces.

"They're both gonna die." Suzuki mumbles to himself.

"Rest in peace, Takemichi-kun, Tachibana-chan." Yamagishi silently prays.

I don't question it and leave. I walk straight ahead to catch a glimpse of what's really happening.

There it was, the same familiar gaze staring right at me. And those same deaden, yet hypnotizing eyes stared where locked with mine.

Who was this familiar stranger? Where did this sudden burst of emotion come from?

But before I could snap out of my trance, he left. It was weird. I've never met him before, yet I feel like I've known him for years.

"Y/n?" Hina says, scaring me out of my trance, "I'm so sorry I left you in such a hurry."

"No...no, it's alright." I mutter quietly, still feeling shaken up.

"What's wrong, Y/n-chan?" Hina asks, "You don't look so good."

"...I'm going home." I say, leaving Hina behind.

Slowly making my way through the school's front doors.

"But Y/n...there's still two periods left." Hina says, dumbfounded.  

What a troublesome day, I thought to myself, laying on top of the grass. Plus, my mom's going to kill me for skipping school.

Rolling around on the grass, I groan, thinking about the long lecture I'll be having when I get back.

"Aaa-" I was about to scream from annoyance, but was cut off by a figure looming over my lying body.

It was him again.

"Whatcha doing?" he asks, smiling down at me.

"Y-y-you!" I struggle to get my words out, quickly sitting up, feeling embarrassed.

"Hi," he says, in a cheery tone, proceeding to sit next to me. "You seem to know me, going off of that reaction."

"N-no, not at all." I say, scooting back, clearing some distance between me and him.

"Well, my name is Manjiro Sano, but people call me Mikey." he says, scooting over, taking out his hand for me to shake. "What's yours?"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n," I say sheepishly, taken aback by his outgoing demeanor.

"So...whatcha doing?" he asks again, awaiting a proper answer.

"Y-you're that guy from school, aren't you?" I say, avoiding the question and his gaze.

"Hmm...yeah, I remember seeing you in the crowd." he says this while scratching his chin. "But that wasn't the question, was it?"

He leans closer, and I almost feel his breath on me.

"Haha yeah, well, I was just, you know, going out for a walk." I lie, seemingly unable to keep a poker face on.

"But you were screaming just a second ag-" I covered his mouth before he could spew more details. That'll make me embarrassed.

"Well, you heard wrong. I'm not some kind of lunatic that goes off screaming out in the open. Nope, not at all." I deny it, but he's clearly smart enough to figure it out.

"So, you have no reason to think I was sc-" I say, before getting cut off by a wet sensation on my hand. "Eww! Did you just lick my hand?" I say in disgust, rubbing the saliva off on my shirt.

"Well, you didn't let go of my mouth," he says, nonchalantly

"Weirdo," I mumble, a smile forming across my face.

Our little banter came to a halt, when a tall young man walked over to us, shouting Manjiro's name.

"Mikey! You rascal. I've been looking everywhere for you." He yells angrily, walking over to us.

"Sorry Y/n-chan," he says, putting his hand on my shoulder, "but I need to get going."

"No worries, it's late anyway." I say, slowly standing up from where I was sitting.

"Well, see you around!" he stands up and walks away, smiling back at me.


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