-Chapter Five-

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"How long has it been?" he asks, giving me a smile through the glass. "Are you still with him?"

A long pause fills the room. I stare into my hands, not sure of what I was doing here.

"Heh, not up for a conversation?" he chuckles.

"Yes, I'm still with him." I reply.

"You know, right? K̷͚͔̻̰͚͊͆̅̂ì̸͓̃̈́͜s̷͔̃͒͒̅͘ä̵̲̭̙́ḳ̶̨̪̣͙̄̒͒̚͝į̴͈̖̙͆̋̃̚͝ will soon come after you as well." "You're the only one left that Mikey still cherishes," he states.

"I doubt that." I mumble quietly, but he heard it and let out a small laugh.

"Ha, you still think that?" he smiles at me and says, "Considering you're the only one left that's still by his side, I think that pretty much answers your doubts."

"It's only because I couldn't let him go." I sigh, "I'm such a fool."

"Y̴͍͚͑̓͋/̶̻̾̉n̵̥̔̈́̂͘ͅ, it's only natural. You love him." He states. "I would've done the same."

"I know you would, Ḱ̷̨̢̅̃͜ē̸̤̋͘͜ͅṇ̴̢̛̰̰̥." I smile back, "If E̷̪̭͓̠̋m̵͉͔̿̉̕͜m̷͔̙̕ͅa̵̲͖͠ was still here, she'd be the luckiest girl."

He chuckles, but then stops. He looked like he was in deep thought, thinking about her again. I envy their love. It's tragic how things ended, but it was the purest kind of love. The love that I yearned for.

"Time's up." The prison guard states,

K̶̰̾͠ḙ̶̯́̏̿̕n̷̨̘͗͐̀̚ stands up, giving me the last smile I'll ever see from him, and walks away.

"K̶̰̾͠ḙ̶̯́̏̿̕n̷̨̘͗͐̀̚." I suddenly exclaim, he stops walking and looks back. "I'll miss you. Goodbye."

He doesn't say a word, but only smiles back. I stood there, not moving until he was fully out of view.

I wish things would go back to when we were just children, mindlessly wandering the world without a care. 

Goodbye for now...

My eyes were flashed with a blinding light the moment I opened them. I cover my face with my blanket to keep the light out. However, it felt different. The blanket smelled and felt different from mine.

I quickly throw the blanket away from my face.

I was shocked to discover I was in a hospital. Then all my memories of yesterday resurfaced. The fighting, the rain, the pain. All of it.

I swiftly lift up the blanket to display my bandaged arm and leg. The color of blood taints these bandages as the pain starts resurfacing.

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I hiss out of pain, looking around the room to see if a nurse left out pain killers.

I didn't find any, but a nurse ended up coming.

"How are you feeling this morning?" she asks, opening the windows to let some air in.

"Fine, I guess." I tell her, staring into the cup of water she gave me.

"Well, that's good to hear." She cheers, "You sustained some pretty serious injuries. Do you mind me asking how it happened?"

Losing Myself to You (Manjiro Sano x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now