-Chapter Nine-

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I stood on top of a skyscraper, admiring the night lights of Tokyo. Seeing the Tokyo Tower from a distance, but close enough for me to admire it.

I sat near the edge, daggling my feet back and forth. The wind blew my hair back, as I rejoiced in this peaceful moment, where I could forget all the bad things that were happening.

But it quickly ended when I heard footsteps coming nearer.

"There you are." I heard M̷̨̛̟̼̮į̸͓̫̻̬͐̾k̴̼̾̽́e̶̤̗͓͂̇̆ẏ̴̡͔̘̿́̏͠'s voice, he sounded like he was looking for me.

"Hi," I softly said, looking up at him.

He stood beside me and said nothing.

"Pretty, isn't it?" I complimented the scenery. "I can see everyone down there. They're so tiny!"

I chuckled to myself, inches away from falling off.

"Don't do that. You'll fall off." He advised, grabbing my shoulder and pulling it back.

"I know," I replied. "But I can't help myself from wanting to, to just fall off."

I stared at him. Not a single reaction to my statement, not even a blink of the eye.

Every time I was with him, I made it my goal to say things that would make him react. Good or bad, I just wanted a reaction from him.

"Remember that promise you made years ago?" I asked, "The one where you promised me you would never hurt me."

He whispered a quiet yes, still staring into the distance.

"You should've never promised me that." I told him, "You were just getting my hopes up. So, when you'd break this promise, over and over again, you just made me more hurt."

I saw a twitch in his eyes when I mentioned how he hurt me.

I always believed that the M̷̨̛̟̼̮į̸͓̫̻̬͐̾k̴̼̾̽́e̶̤̗͓͂̇̆ẏ̴̡͔̘̿́̏͠ I knew, was still in there. He was just hidden under a deep, deep layer of pain. I knew that one day I'd be able to see him again. I just had to wait a little longer.

"Y̸͙̻͙̓/̷̹͆̀͘͝͝ṇ̵͑̽, stop. I know what you're trying to do. It isn't going to work."

"Remember that dream of yours, you told me?" I kept on going, "'Make a new age for delinquents' How's that going for you?"

"Stop it." He demanded.

"This definitely is a new age, but I can't say if this was the one you were hoping for." I added, before getting pinned to the ground.

"Shut up." He ordered me, "Or I'll rip your throat."

My head was millimetres away from dangling off the edge. He held my neck tightly, making it impossible for me to plead for him to stop, or to breath.

I guess I went too far, but I was used to it. This isn't the first time I've gone too far. However, this time I really hit a nerve.

His monotone look was in distress. His eyes twitched, and his hands were shaking.

He released his hold, backing away from me, after realizing what he was doing to me.

I start breathing again, coughing uncontrollably from the lack of air. I held my throat, hearing my heartbeat in my ears.

"I'm sorry..." he whimpered quietly, "I, I didn't mean to..."

I didn't say anything; I simply observed him breaking down. I wanted to go comfort him and tell him I was fine, but I held myself back. I was scared of getting near him.

"M̷̪͊i̵̢̼̖̓̓̎̓̀k̶͇͈̒̉e̷̩̎̉͝y̴͈͙̝̻̐͜, don't cry." I hushed him, still keeping my distance from him. "I know you didn't mean to do it; I shouldn't have pushed so hard."

Something about him crying made my heart melt. He looked like a lost child who'd been abandoned by the ones he loved.

"I'm sorry..." He apologized again, standing up and walking closer to me to see if I was alright.

By instinct, I backed away. I was still scared of him.

But by backing away when I was at the edge of the building, I fell off.

M̷̪͊i̵̢̼̖̓̓̎̓̀k̶͇͈̒̉e̷̩̎̉͝y̴͈͙̝̻̐͜ got further and further away the more I fell. I could hear my name being called by him and the distressed look in his eyes.

I simply smiled at him. I knew this was going to happen one day or another.

It was just a matter of time.

I knew for a very long time, that I was going to die...

I laid my head on his back, as he carried me throughout the streets.

I told him I was fine walking on my own, but he was adamant about carrying me home. I only grazed my knees when I fell while running away.

Thank God, no one was around. If people saw us like this, I'd die of embarrassment.

"Mikey, why were you there?" I asked out of the blue. "At the junkyard."

"I had to fight. I had to defeat a rival gang."

"Did you win?" I inquired more, the answer he had given me was kind of vague.

"Yes," he replied. "But I lost a friend during the process."

"Do you mean..."

He didn't say a word.

I felt bad for him, but I knew the last thing he needed was for me to pity him.

I hugged him tightly all around. I held my arms around him and buried my face in his blond locks.

"I'm sure he was a great guy if he was your friend." I cheered, bringing the mood back up.

"Yeah, he's a real good guy!" I hear him quirking up. "He was always picking fights with me when we were kids. And I'd hand him his ass every time."

I only listened to him talk about this guy; it was soothing. Just to hear him talk so joyously about things I knew little about. He even told me about his gang and how he was going to bring a new age to delinquents.

"I'm going to make a new age for delinquents!" he exclaimed confidently. "Just like how my brother did back when he was a delinquent."

"You have a brother?" I asked, "I thought you were an only child?"

"Yeah, he was 10 years older than me. He died, though." He stated, "I also have a sister, so I'm not an only child."

"Must be a lively family if they're related to you." I mentioned.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ah, Mikey! Stop. If you continue, I might fall!" I yelled, as Mikey started playfully moving around, making me hold onto him tightly.

Then he proceeds to start running at full speed. I grasp onto him, but only by a thread.

"Mikey!" I yelled, getting motion sickness.

I just heard him laugh, not listening to what I said.

He's so reckless, I thought. But that's what I love about him.

Losing Myself to You (Manjiro Sano x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now