-Chapter Two-

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Those eyes looked down upon me, not flinching nor saying anything. He just stared down at my lying corpse. I was still alive, but barely. He thought he could kill me with just one shot. What a fool. Now he gazes me down, not moving, or finishing what he started.

"Kill me..." I managed to mumble out. I was in a lot of pain, but I could slowly feel myself going numb.

"M̷̪̌̿̃ì̵͙̿k̶̝͇̆͑̈́̾ę̶̦͓͖̔y̸̜͎̳͗ ̶͖̤̞̱́ͅ, I beg of you." I slowly move towards him, grasping a hold of his leg, pleading with him to put an end to my suffering, to end my time on earth.

"Do it!" I yelled, "Do it, you coward!" I started crying, the pain wouldn't stop, it wouldn't go away, no matter what I did. I started yelling and screaming for him to shoot me, but he didn't even move. He just kept staring at me with those emotionless eyes.

I give up, getting agitated might just prolong my suffering.

I stared at the celling, lights flickering on and off, my vision slowly getting blurry. But I could still hear him, with his slow breaths and small movements. How cruel, watching me suffer until the very end.

"M̷̪̌̿̃ì̵͙̿k̶̝͇̆͑̈́̾ę̶̦͓͖̔y̸̜͎̳͗ ̶͖̤̞̱́ͅ," I mumbled, feeling like my end was near. "I'm sorry, M̷̪̌̿̃ì̵͙̿k̶̝͇̆͑̈́̾ę̶̦͓͖̔y̸̜͎̳͗ ̶͖̤̞̱́ͅ. I should've helped you more. I should've known what you were going through wasn't easy. Nothing was easy for you, everything was made so hard for you, making you suffer all your life." 

"I knew, from the moment he died, I had lost a part of you that I would never get back. It wasn't your fault, M̷̪̌̿̃ì̵͙̿k̶̝͇̆͑̈́̾ę̶̦͓͖̔y̸̜͎̳͗ ̶͖̤̞̱́ͅ." I inhaled for air, wanting to say more, but not having the capacity to do so.

"My only regret in life was ever meeting you. Yet at the same time, it was also a blessing I wish to never let go.

M̷̪̌̿̃ì̵͙̿k̶̝͇̆͑̈́̾ę̶̦͓͖̔y̸̜͎̳͗ ̶͖̤̞̱́ͅ, I love you."

Another weird dream, I thought to myself, waking up in a cold sweat. Did the future change? I still die, but more gruesomely?

I walk up to my desk and start writing it down, knowing I'll forget it if I don't. I've been dream journaling my dreams ever since they started appearing a few weeks ago.

From what I can note, they all have one thing in common. The man. The man who killed me twice now, and might kill me again if the future changes again.

Ugh, I just felt shivers crawl down my spine thinking about how I'm going to die. Just who is he? From what I can tell, he must be my future self's lover. A lover, she never wished she met. That's troublesome. Seeing that he kills her, or should I say me, in multiple versions of the future. He must be a psycho that really wants me dead, or I did something bad, so now he wants me dead. Either way, they both lead to bad endings.

Geez, it's starting to feel like an anime, with all the twists and turns.

But there's still one thing I don't understand. Why am I having these visions? Am I psychic, but I never knew until now? Ha, impossible. Like that would ever happen. It's as if you told me somebody that could time travel existed in this world. No way, impossible.

But I'm getting sidetracked. I still have to figure out who exactly will kill me. So, I can either avoid them or kill them first. In both option, I live, hopefully.

These dreams make it so complicated, each time future me says his name, it's a blur. It's as if they don't want me to find out who he is.

Damn you, stupid dreams! And his face, well, that's a blur too. Somehow, I can only remember the eyes of this stranger, the feeling, the presence they emitted when I looked into them.

What a weird sensation...

"Earth to Y/n" Hina says, waving her hand in front of my face, "You sure you're alright, Y/n-chan? You've been zoning out ever since we got on the train."

"I'm fine," I say, smiling at her, "it's just that I keep thinking about the dream."

"What dream? I thought they were done." she asks, concern written across her face.

"Well, no." I sign, titling my head back and looking at the scenery from behind me, "I just had another dream today."

"Isn't that good? That means you did something that changed the future." she said, grabbing my hand in excitement.

"It would, if I hadn't died in it." I stated

"Well, think on the bright side. At least now, you know the future can be changed." Hina says, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

After two train stops, we finally arrive at our destination. We were going to my house to study, since she has an exam coming up next week.

"So," I whisper, nudging Hina on the arm, "I heard, that Takemichi went over to your house for a "study session", seems naughty."

"Y/n!" she yells, face red as tomato, "Stop having such a dirty mind, nothing happened."

"What? I'm just curious." I say, offended by the insult.

"Well, nothing happened." She affirms, walking faster, leading me to think something did happen.

"Smells like someone's lying," I say, catching up to her. "Something did happen, didn't it?"

"No..." she says, in a worried tone.

"What's the matter, Hina? Did you guys break up?" I ask, starting to get concerned about her sudden change of reaction.

"No, it's not that. It's just that, haven't you noticed that Takemichi has been acting strangely these past few weeks?" she asks.

"Can't say, haven't talked to him much these past few weeks." I shrug, not thinking much about it. "What's up with him?"

"Well, it's just that, yesterday when we were together, he seemed more adult, more mature than how he usually is." Hina sighs.

"He's probably going through puberty," I suggest, "we all go through different phases when we hit that period of time. He might just finally feel like becoming more mature. That's all."

"I guess you're right," she sighs again, "but he's still a perv!"

"Sounds like something happened yesterday." I say, curious of what happened.

"Hmpf, he saw a girl in their underwear." she says angrily.

"Haha, really? Takemichi got to see a REAL girl in their underwear?" I laugh, "The delinquent life must be treating him good."

"Y/n! You're supposed to agree with me." she states, crossing her arms.

"Too late, I'm going home." I say, running towards my house, leaving Hina behind to follow.

"Y/n! Wait up!" Hina yells from behind. 

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