-Chapter Ten-

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I was out shopping with Hina and Naoto when suddenly we spot Takemichi hiding behind a wall, with panic written all across his face.

Hina decides to approach him and inquire as to what he was up to.

"Hina?! Naoto and Y/n?" He exclaims, surprised to see us.

"We were out shopping and happened to spot you..." Naoto explains.

"What are you doing?" I asked, "You look like a pervert, hunched back like that."

"So, mean..." he mutters to himself, then he points to a couple in front of us.

"Isn't that..."

"Yep, that's Mikey-kun and Emma-chan." He observes.


"There's no way that Emma-chan, who would do anything for Draken-kun, would ever stoop to something like this!" Hina interjects, with certitude. "There must be some reason behind this! Isn't that right, Takemichi-kun?!"

"Uh...Sure." Takemichi agrees with her, blushing from the closeness of her face to his.

"Don't worry, Y/n-chan!" She turns towards me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to solve this mystery!"

"W-why would I be worried?" I asked, scared of her enthusiasm.

"I know you have a crush on him." She whispers to me, winking at me.


My face blushes red. How did she know...?

"Now!" she shouts, "We've got to follow them!"

As the three of them hide behind a wall and peep at Mikey's and Emma's every move. I sat with my back to the wall, embarrassed because of the people looking at us when they walked by.

"Observe, my dear Watson!" Hina exclaims to Takemichi, "That look in Emma-chan's eyes..."

"Her eyes?"

I turn around, curious about what she was talking about.

"Those are the eyes of someone in love! I'm sure of it!" Hina declares certain of her claims. "My womanly instincts say so!"

"You can't base your claims on instincts alone." I tell her, looking at him carefully.

"But in the detective shows, they always get it right!" she counters, "and they always look cool while doing it!"

"Again, it's fictional." I state, "But, you know, it's Emma's birthday today, so maybe-"

"What the...?!" A voice behind us interrupts me mid-sentence. "It's Takemichi!"

We all turn around to see Yamagishi.

"Yamagishi!" Takemichi expresses surprise.

He then proceeds to tell Yamagishi everything we just witnessed.

"Wow. That's a real scandal!" Yamagishi observes.

"I know! So, we're following them to find out the real story..." Takemichi explains.

"We haven't found any decisive proof yet!" Hina adds.

"Well, I've heard rumors about that Emma girl..." He mentions, "I heard... that she was seen leaving Mikey-kun's house with him, all friendly-like."

We all look at him, shocked by the revelation.

"And it was the morning after she'd stayed overnight at his place." He adds even more to the shock.


"I'm terribly sorry, Y/n-chan. But I've completely solved this case." Hina states this dramatically. "She is, without a doubt, a two-timer!"

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