Chapter 1: Prologue

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Saiki's POV

When you have supernatural powers, the impossible becomes possible. My name is Kusuo Saiki, and I have psychic superpowers.

Sixteen years ago an ordinary couple gave birth to a not so ordinary baby boy. The view shifts as the backstory is told. Focusing in on a new born baby boy, sleeping soundly in his crib. His parents hovered over him. "So cute, almost as cute as mommy," his father said. "So cute, almost as cute as daddy," his mother said in return. "Oh you," his father gave a light chuckle, as baby Kusuo opened his eyes. "Wow, so I guess I'm still only second place." I started speaking when I was only fourteen days old, without using my voice.

The view shifts again, as we move forward in time. Soon afterward, I started walking when I was one month old. In the air. Baby Kusuo walked above his parents, both looking on in amazement as his mother clapped.

And at one year old... The view shows his mother in the kitchen, troubled. "We're out? I can't cook without rice wine," behind her, baby Kusuo suddenly disappeared, "Kusuo?" Then he reappeared, on the counter, surrounded by rice wine. I ran my first errands. "Oh Ku..." My mom finally started to worry about me. Now you'd think after a year of this weirdness that'd take me to get tested. But my folks are pretty weird themselves... Both his parents were now with him, worried looks on both their faces. "I'm pretty sure he stole the rice wine," his mother said in a worried tone. "We'll I'll go pay them back tomorrow if there's time," his father said, just as baby Kusuo held up a receipt. Not to mention lazy.. "Oh! Our little psychic boy did pay after all!" His mother said, all worry gone from both parents.

They can still act like love birds, and they take everything in stride. Including me. A younger Kusuo, maybe at the age of about eight to ten, held up a drawing to his parents, which they praised. Even all my weird powers. So, time rolled on...

Back to the present, Kusuo wore his school uniform, and walked down the road. I became the person you see now, a high school student. Of course I still have my superpowers. I can bend spoons like any good psychic, and I can win any corporate giveaway I want. My life is a dream come true... that is what you're thinking, right?

Well let me drop some truth bombs, bending spoons just makes it harder to eat. That and winning free popsicles just leads to stomach aches. He's the happiest boy alive. That boy can have anything and do anything! Well that's dead wrong! I'm the unhappiest boy alive, a boy who has nothing! Telepathy, psychokinesis, X-ray vision, precognition, teleportation, clairvoyance, etcetera etcetera!

Sure I can do all those things, but having powers like that means something gets taken away. Sorta like how since we feed our pets they've lost the ability to hunt. Or when a parent spoils their child they lose the ability to become a functioning adult. In this way there are some key experiences I've missed out on. Hard work, cultivating a sense of achievement, the thrill of being thrown a surprise party, they're all totally foreign to me. Sure I never get angry or sad about anything, but that just means there's no joy or thrill in my life either.

Maybe I should look on the bright side though, no drama means things are always peaceful for me, and that's not so bad...

But I will admit, things can get a bit dull. It's become the same thing, day in and day out. Which I don't mind too much, considering all I want is a perfectly normal life. But the absence of thrill or happiness makes things more difficult. But then that means when I do feel joy or happiness it becomes something I start to crave more. My days are either nothing but dull, or I have to deal with those idiots at school all day. My days are either boring, or irritating...

I can't even have a normal school day. I'm P. E. I always have to hold back or else I'll put myself as a psychic. Even though my powers are what's helping me stay under the radar. Not to mention the normal teenager things are totally unknown to me. After all, in highschool love is always in the air. Which is something I consider entirely pointless. But everyone around me thinks it's all that matters. Things like that are so strange to me.

Even the average 'teenage hormones' never seemed to affect me much. Yeah I get acne and stuff like that, but anything aside from that never affected me at all. A lot of the boys in class start thinking about girls and vice versa. But a girl has never once crossed my mind. I've also certainly never had any of those gross fantasy's most teens have. The human imagination is both the worst and best thing about the human race. The good things that come from it being the different foods and tv shows. Then the bad being all the gross and disturbing thoughts people have. I just don't get things like love or even lust at all. The appeal of the human body eludes me. After all, I see human body's every day with my x-ray vision.

People are confusing, it's why I try not to be noticed, I even went as far as using mind control to make sure I did blend in. After all, I was born with purple eyes and hot pink hair.  So I made it so others had crazy hair colors as well, and it's all totally natural. I've done everything I possibly could to make sure I look like your average teenager. But of course, that'll never be the case.

So I can just try and live the best I can. Try not to get caught, and try to find happiness in the small things. Like my shows I get to watch, or my coffee jelly. Even though we get a few new students, one person isn't gonna drastically change my life. That's just absurd... though, it is a nice thought I guess.

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