Chapter 6: Dinner

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Y/n's POV

I'm happy Mrs. Saiki invited me to have dinner with them. I guess I didn't wanna stop hanging out with Saiki. Now that I think about it though... The two of us have only hung out at school, and on the Okinawa trip. There are a few times where we'll go to a cafe or something but Nendou and Shun are always with us. So I never get to talk with just Saiki. Maybe I should use this as a way to get to know Saiki better!

"You boys go have fun, I'll have dinner finished in a few minutes!" I nodded, and Saiki beckoned me to follow him to the couch. Since she's almost done, it's just easier.

"Your house is nice Saiki. The layout isn't that different from my house. Though it looks like it may have been flipped." I chuckled softly and he simply nodded. I know Saiki doesn't like talking much, but I really do wanna get to know more about him. All I know is that he's quiet, he's smarter than he lets on, he loves coffee jelly, and he doesn't like social interaction that much.

"Hey Saiki?" He looked at me. "What's some stuff you like to do? You confirmed with your mom we're friends, which I think is awesome! I'm glad you think of me as a friend, but I realize I don't actually know much about you..."

Saiki's POV

He wants to know what I like? Usually the others just do what I want and if I find it entertaining I'll go along with it. "I like reading and TV. Video games are pretty alright too I guess. I don't play many mainstream ones though, you get spoiled too easily."

"Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense... What kind of books do you like? I like reading too. I usually read comics or manga... but there are some novels I like! They're mostly fantasy."

"Fantasy is good. I like mystery as well. If it's something that makes me second guessing myself then I know I'll like it."

"Oh that's pretty neat. Mysteries are pretty good! I have a mystery book set in the 19...50s? I think. It's a murder mystery in a boat. I haven't read it in forever, so don't worry about spoilers! I won't spill anything." 'Mostly because all I remember is that it was on a boat...'

So strange. "Would you like to read it sometime? I can lend it to ya!" He uses such a peppy voice with me sometimes. He seems really happy that I'm talking with him. Is that why? But even when I don't talk he acts like this when we go places too... though it's very rare.

"Sure. Bring it next time. I'll read the description on the back cover. If it's interesting I might read it."

"Cool! What about shows? Mystery?" He chuckled softly.

"Yeah. Though I'm avoiding that new show Teruhashi's brother is starring in."

"Yeahhhhhhhh same... looking back it makes me upset because he does make good movies... creep.." he pierced his lips together in a small pout.

He makes such odd faces sometimes. But I don't mind them much... I guess seeing someone's actual facial expressions is a nice change of pace. To think, I can see him all because he carries rocks in his pockets.

But besides that, there is something I want to ask him. Again actually. "So why do you pay for me again? You say you 'like me' but that can't be all." He wasn't even thinking about it earlier. Even now when I can read his mind I don't entirely know what he's thinking. He can be so cryptic with his thoughts sometimes.

"Huh? Oh uhh... well..." 'how do I put this without sounding weird? God I have no clue... maybe if I just say it it'll come out right? Hope so at least... okay! Just talk!' "Uhhhh..." 'fuck-'

He's drawn a blank. This is to be expected. Even now, I have no problem reading his thoughts. But that's only when he's ACTUALLY thinking. Half the time his head is empty.

"I guess 'I like you' is all there is to it. Heh, I mean- at first it was as a thank you for finding Yuuta when he got lost. I was so scared when that happened... but to find him ok was the best thing to happen. Then when we got home I met you! And everything got better from there!"

There's that sappy sweet voice again... why's he so peppy all the time? He makes my chest feel tight when he talks like that...

Saiki slumped, and looked at his lap. His expression seemed to stay the same, but his brows furrowed ever so slightly.

Why's he make me feel so... nauseous? No, that's not right. He doesn't make me feel sick. But he does make me feel like my stomach is in knots and my chest feel tight. He makes my head spin because even now I have no idea what he's thinking! He's just sitting there in silence, both inside and outside.

'Did I make him feel weird?'

Yes you did! I don't understand why-

"Boys! Dinners ready!"

"Come on, let's go sit down." "Oh- okay." The two of us got off the couch and walked into the dining room. "Your father will be home shortly Ku baby. If you want, your friend can stay over longer." "Thanks mom, we'll see." Y/n snickered, "Ku baby? That's so cute... can I call you Ku too Saiki?~" "No way." Makes my chest feel funny again. "Awww.. boo."

We sat down and began eating. "Mm- wow Mrs. Saiki, this is amazing!" He ate even quicker. "Aww why thank you! I'm glad you like it." Moms cooking is good. I agree. "I'm home!" "Oh there's your father, I'll go get him." Mom got up and went to talk with dad. She told him I had a friend over and the two of them happily talked about it.

"Hey Saiki?" "No you cannot call me Ku." "But Saikiiiiiiiiii, come on... can I at least address you by your first name..?"

Saiki's parents stopped at the entrance to the dining/living room, hearing Y/n's question from the door. Saiki knew this because he heard the shocked and confused thoughts of his parents.

'Are they so close they're already considering a first name basis!?' 'None of Ku's other friends have asked that... are they closer than I thought?'

"I know we don't hang out much outside of school unless Nendou drags us along but... I really do like you, Saiki. I mean it. I enjoy being friends with everyone else but I feel like I can be totally myself around you. I've... never had someone in my life like that..."

There's that feeling again. My temperature seems to be increasing as well... Why does everything feel so- warm!? I know he isn't psychic, so why does he always make me feel so strange? I don't understand.

I stayed relaxed on the outside though, despite the warmth, and the confusion I was feeling. "You're so sappy. But fine. I guess you can... Y/n."

I proceeded to see the biggest smile break out on his face. "Really!? HHHHHNNN- I'd hug you right now but I know you don't like physical contact so I'll just picture it in my brain!" So weird. But he's not so bad I guess.

After that, mom and dad came back into the dining room and sat down. Dad greeted Y/n, and dad continued to ramble on. After dinner though, Y/n went back to his house. Yuuta came knocking on the door saying, "I know he's awesome but you're not allowed to steal my big brother Cyborg Cider Man Number Two!" So he left.

The evening wasn't too bad. Better than I thought it would go. Though I still don't understand why he makes me feel so strange...







Wait a minute-

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