Chapter 7: Feelings

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Saiki POV

"Alright Class 3 the big PK Festival is in a month! Let's hear some ideas!" Every fall the PK Academy holds the PK Festival. And as you can see by my expression, I'm very excited.

Saiki was in fact, not excited.

"How about we sell yakisoba?" A student in the back said. "Kay, that's one." Hairo was at the front of the class. He was supposed to be jotting down ideas on the board, but he has yet to do so. "Hang on, I can't participate because I'm doing an event with my dance club." "Yeah it's the same thing with my music club."

"It's okay, we can work something out." Hairo said to the two unable to participate. "What about a display? That way we're free during the festival to have fun." "Not bad! We can work on it every day after school!" "Uh-... I'm in a club after school so- that won't work for me either." "Yeah and I can't do anything because I have work!"

'There's lots of issues with the class. Do we really HAVE to do something? Why can't the class just help set up the main events if we're unable to do a class event?' Ah, there's Y/n. He's probably one of the most rational people in the class.

Two other students started talking about a rock one of them had found outside. It was comically shaped like poop. Everyone in the class started talking about how they could get funny shaped rocks from outside to put on display.

"Whatcha say Hairo? Are ya in?" "Yeah!" "Great! Class 3 will display weird rocks found in the school yard!" Hairo said, and everyone cheered. "Yeah!" "No way!! We only get to do three PK Festivals during our high school career so we are not wasting one on rocks! I wanna see some real passion out of you!!" 'Aaaand he's crying... why's he being so dramatic? My first school festival I didn't even spend at my classes exhibit. I spent my time at the main events' I agree with Y/n. I don't even want to go.

I have enough to deal with, and frankly one of them... I can't get out of my mind. Quite literally... it's frustrating.

Saiki glanced over at Y/n as everyone sided with Hairo. He seemed to always be able to convince everyone to try something different, or something else of the sort. "Okay, brainstorm take two!" The rock thing was dumb, but fine. "In fact I've got the perfect idea for us! Each one of us will make 1,000 paper cranes!" And then the class went silent for a moment. "That'll come out to 37,000 cranes for the entire class! Actually let's round up to 50! That's about 1,350 per person in a month! Shouldn't be hard!" Even Hairo can't sell them on this.

"Yeah that's... an idea we can do..." "How about we just do a food truck!" "Yeah-! I like that idea!" "Yeah! Would get people talking more than a display would!" The students said, no one wanted to make over 1,000 paper cranes. "Oh. Okay.. I thought the cranes were a good idea though." Hairo said, and everyone sighed in relief that the idea was off the table...

Dodged a bullet on that one... "I'm still gonna write it down though just cause," Hairo said. Of course. 'If we can't come up with anything else- I'm not doing that.' Me either Y/n. "So? Anyone else have an idea?"

"Yeah! Me!" Takahashi stood up. "Well... I'm embarrassed to say this but-" "No" Y/n said. "What!? Excuse me! You don't even know what I was gonna say!" "Call it gay intuition, cuz- men in general are predictable, but you were gonna say maid cafe. I already know where one of the girls stands in wearing a maid outfit... and if she felt so strongly against it, I can only imagine that being around a bunch of pervert boys would make them uncomfortable. Buuuuut-"

Chio and Y/n held hands, and in sync said, "But a cross dressing maid cafe would be fine!" "I rock it in a skirt." He said, putting a hand on his hip while Chio acted as if she was taking pictures while making a square with her fingers. "I can see it now! You look like royalty!!" "Why thank you~"

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