Chapter 3: Days Of Chaos

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Saiki's POV

It's that time of the year where a jolt of excitement flows through every school. "I can't wait!" "Because it's time for one of highschool s biggest events. The school trip. "I've never been to Okinawa before" "I've never even been on an airplane" the people in the class talked amongst themselves. This year we're going on a three day trip to Okinawa. "You think it's hot there?" "Yeah it's a southern island" Seriously? I don't get the appeal of these trips at all. I can go to Okinawa and come back within three minutes.

Just as he thought that, Hiro came up to Saiki. "Hey Saiki, have you picked your group for the trip yet? We're forming groups of six, preferably three boys and three girls." "Just let everyone else decide. I'll just go with whoever's left." "Looks like the only ones who are still available beside you are Nendou, Kaidou and Iridatsu." Guess the best weren't saved for last. At least Iridatsu isn't so bad. He just frustrated me since telepathy doesn't work on him. "Huh.. four boys... damn. I guess the class is uneven now that he's here. It should be alright though, huh? Oh there he is! Iridatsu, over here man!"

Y/n's POV

As I walked into class Hiro called me over. "Huh? Oh- yeah what's up?" Y/n asked, and Hiro showed him a clipboard. "The boys in your group are gonna be Nendou, Kaidou and Saiki. Everyone else is already paired," Hiro said, to which Y/n nodded. "Alright, sounds good!" I already got my mom to sign the permission slip and pay the money. I'm pretty excited about the trip. I'll get a break from school work and get to spend time with Saiki and the others.

Y/n sat in his seat and read up on some stuff about Okinawa. "Oh that looks good.. hey Saiki, when we're in Okinawa we should totally go to this cafe. I know you got a sweet tooth," he said, showing Saiki the many desserts from the cafe he spoke about. Saiki looked at the phone and just gave a firm nod. "Heh. Someone's excited," y/n said with a small chuckle. He's so cute.

As I was looking at more stuff Hiro stepped up in front of the class, he had a box with him. "We're gonna decide the boy and girl matchups via random draw. Teruhashi you're up," he said. "Huh? Why are we doing that? Just because a bunch of boys fought over one girl? She's not some prize to be picked from the lottery,'' Y/n said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "How dare you?! Teruhashi is the best prize any man could ask for!" "Exactly! To be in a group and spend three days with her is a man's dream come true!" "How could you say such a thing?!"

Needless to say, he was shocked. "... Excuse me?" "Teruhashi is the pretty girl there is! How can you not think it would be an honor for her to be in your group" "... wow-... why are straight men sooooooo stupid..." Y/n mumbled, and gave a sigh, "Just do the dumb pull."

Teruhashi went to the front of the class and ended up picking Takahashi's group. Whoever that guy is, Y/n had no idea. The girls kept drawing lots until three girls picked Y/n's group, "Eww Nendou's group? Can we like, pick again or something? This totally ruins the whole trip for us. "Damn, that's kinda harsh" "I know it's Nendou, but that's going a little far." Bitch.

That's when Teruhashi stood up raising her hand, "i volunteer to switch with them," She said, "if Nendou and the others don't mind." Takahash's group sulked and the girls thanked her. Why do people hate Nendou? Yeah his face is a bit... scary- but he's a nice dude. The others cheered saying Teruhashi was being selfless and such for volunteering to switch with the other girls, at that Y/n just rolled my eyes.

The teacher then walked in again holding a paper, so Hiro went to talk with her. " Hey, who's in Mera's group?" He asked to which Teruhashi raised her hand, "Right here, that's us." "Well sorry, but it looks like she can't go on the trip with us. Apparently they couldn't catch as much bluefin tuna as they hoped too, an unfortunate set back." "Oh no.. that's too bad..." Teruhashi and Yumehara were both upset.

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