Chapter 4: Not So Disastrous

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Y/n's POV

I took Saiki back to our room, and Nendou and Kaidou ran up to me. "There you are. Huh? Hey, what's up with Saiki? Is he okay?" Kaido asked. "He's okay, I found him passed out by the beach. He did seem a bit out of it today. So I decided to just carry him back. I would've felt bad if I woke him up," Y/n chuckled softly and laid Saiki on his futon. "Come on, it's getting late. Let's get ready for bed." The other two nodded, and just like that they all went to sleep.

It was the next morning and we were all in the cafeteria for breakfast. "You must've been really out of it Saiki. Iridatsu had to carry you back," Kaidou said as everyone ate. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." Kaidou simply nodded and they all went back to eating. "Hey Saiki, wanna try and make it to that cafe today? It's only five of that dessert you want every day right?" Y/n said, Saiki quickly nodded. "Heh heh, ok ok. If we have free time we can check if they're serving any today," Saiki gave Y/n a thumbs up, and once everyone finished eating they got ready to leave.

Once outside everyone had their beach bags ready and got onto the bus. "Alright everyone! Finish up breakfast and get on the bus!" Matuzaki yelled. "We are getting on the bus-..." I sighed, I looked over at Saiki and he seemed annoyed. "You ok there Saiki? You seemed ticked," Saiki just shook his head, and gestured for me to get on the bus. Shrugging I followed him and got on the bus.

It was the second day here at Okinawa and people lost a bit of their excitement. But I'm still having a lot of fun. We went to a pineapple farm first, which I will admit wasn't very interesting. Though they did give out some to the students for free, I wasn't complaining. "Oh wow, it's really sweet... Saiki! Come try some!" Saiki walked over and crossed his arms "come on, it's really sweet!" I picked up a new tooth pick and stuck it into one of the slices. "Come on, try it," he rolled his eyes at me again and bit the fruit off. I was a bit stunned he didn't just take the toothpick. "Hm.. it is pretty sweet," was all he said before walking away. "Uh-" ... DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN- He was so chill about that...

Unbenounced to Saiki, Y/n thought what he did was very cute.

After the farm we went to the aquarium, Nendou kept looking at the whale sharks, Kaidou went to see some of the deep sea fish, and for some reason the fish were very drawn to Teruhashi. I ended up buying a stuffed shark and a turtle for Yuuta. "Aw that's cute Y/n, are they for your brother?" Yumehara asked, pointing to the two stuffed animals in the bag. "Huh- OH! Yeah yeah... heh.. both are totally for Yuuta.." I obviously didn't buy the shark for myself... obviously..

Then finally we made it too- "EMERALD BEACH!!" Hiro yelled as we got off the bus. "How is he always so full of energy? Jeez..." I had my trunks on all day, so I just took my shirt off. "Ain't got beaches like this back home." Nendou said, though the one back home isn't too different. But it is a lot prettier here.. "What's taking the girls so long?" Kaidou said, I looked around and saw a group of guys surrounding the girls changing room. "Ah- that has to be harassment right..?" I said putting my shirt into my bag.

That's when Teruhashi came out, "thanks for waiting~" I wanna go home suddenly- All the men, and even some of the women started clapping for her.

She walked towards us, Nendou and Kaidou blushed, "sorry, I couldn't find a locker." "It's no problem! We didn't mind waiting!" "Y-yeah! No trouble at all!" These boys have it down bad, though I think everyone does? I don't understand straight men... But Saiki was totally unfazed. "Alright, guess it's time for a swim," she said, ready to head to the water.

"Wait, Yumehara and Mera aren't here yet," Kaidou said, causing Teruhashi to turn around. "Oh? That's weird. I just saw them in the locker room. Hey! Yumehara let's go!" She shouted, but it still took Yumehara a bit to come out. "Sorry for the wait, I had trouble finding my sun screen," she said as she came out. "Now we're just waiting for Mera," Kaidou said. "Oh right," Nendou said. I walked up to her, "You're swimsuit is cute, Yumehara, the color looks good on you," She smiled, "Oh you think so? Thanks Y/n!"

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