Chapter 9: Talk to Me

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Saiki POV

Finally I made it home. I was going to give Teruhashi a response to the new years card she sent me but her thoughts made me think otherwise. I'd rather not respond at all after that. I was just taking my shoes off when mom walked over to me.

"Oh good, Ku you're back. I was just about to call you." "Really? Why is everything okay?" "Everything's fine here, but a friend of yours stopped by earlier. They're up in your room waiting." A friend? Who's here to bother me now? I don't hear any other thoughts. Don't tell me Nendo is here, what's he want?

I walked into my room and what, or who I saw rather, shocked me. There on my bed was Y/n, asleep, hugging my pillow. Why's he here? Jeez, might as well wake him up...

Kusuo walked over to Y/n and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him lightly. "Y/n, hey get up." Slowly, Y/n started to wake up. When he saw Kusuo in front of him he bolted up. "Kusuo!! Hey listen, I really need to talk to you about-" "it's getting late. You should head home." "What- but Kusuo-" Kusuo turned his back, ready to walk out of his room and show Y/n out.

'Don't you dare ignore me. Don't open that door! I know you can hear me, Saiki!' Kusuo stopped. 'I know you can hear me. I know something is- different about you! I just want answers, I just want you to talk to me!' "Kusuo, I miss you... please, just tell me what's going on..." The other boy paused for a moment, before he gave a small sigh. He turned around, and sat next to Y/n.

"So, you know?" "Kinda... after that day we hung out with Teruhashi is when I started thinking something was up. I mean- we turned invisible! That doesn't just- happen! Then... then on Christmas when I brought it up you just- vanished. Heh... literally..." 'I've been wanting to talk to you about it ever since. But you just kept ignoring me...'

Man.. I feel kinda bad. Did me not talking to him upset him that much?

Y/n's breath hitched, catching Kusuo's attention.

When I looked back at Y/n my eyes widened to see him crying. "I thought I messed up.. I-I thought you didn't wanna be friends anymore. And that- hurt! More than I thought it would!" "Y/n- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought it would be better to just not talk about it." "Well you were wrong! Who would've thought an- all knowing psychic would be so stupid!" Y/n stood up and I stood with him. "I know you're not good with emotions Ku! Powers or not, I don't care! I still-..." he took a deep breath. "I still love you either way... and I don't mean as a friend.."

Y/n stepped forward, and held Kusuo's face. He knew what was coming, due to Y/n's thoughts. But right as he closed his eyes in anticipation, Y/n's hands moved from his face, and he instead wrapped his arms around him in a hug. "I love you... in a romantic way. And if you don't trust my words, just read every little thought I have about you. Cause I love every little thing about you.."

Kusuo was stunned and decided to do what Y/n said.

'I love that you can open up to me'

'I love the way the light bounces off your glasses'

'I love how you glow in the moonlight'

'The face you make when eating coffee jelly makes my heart throb'

'Your warmth is so comforting'

'Just being around you I feel I can be myself... Do you feel the same?'

Kusuo paused for a moment, and looked up at the slightly taller boy. "Yeah. Yeah I do." He paused again, and slowly wrapped his arms around Y/n. "I feel like I can be myself. I'll tell you whatever you wanna know." "Promise?" "Promise." Both boys smiled, and Y/n cupped Kusuo's cheek. "Good." He said, before leaning in, and kissing the shorter boy on the cheek. "Cause- I actually have a lot of questions-..."


I told him everything, each and every one of my powers, what each of them do, how for the longest time I couldn't read his mind because of Yuuta's silly ring, and how I can see him clearly all because he carries rocks in his pocket.

"Wow-.. that's, pretty insane! Heh- never thought I'd have a conversation like that..." "Having second thoughts?" "Huh-? HUH?! What- Ku no!" He grabbed my face, he pulled me in close to him, our noses touching. "It may be utterly insane but you're still you! You're..." he paused, and then smiled softly as he pressed his forehead against mine, "You're still the boy I fell in love with... god, you're so frustrating you know that!"

I tilted my head, "What do you mean?" "I meeeaaannn-! All this time you could read my mind clearly as day and still couldn't tell I liked you?! I thought you were all knowing?" "Tch- emotions are weird, besides..." I looked away as I felt my face heat up, "I've never had a crush on someone before... I didn't know what those feelings being recuperated looked like," I just heard him laugh, "Kusuo, I said I liked you over 100 times. I'm touchy with you, and I literally think about you 24/7. I live right next to you, how have you not heard me thinking 'Man I wonder what Ku is doing. Hmm.. I should make home made coffee jelly for ku. Hey we have the ingredients, I should make a cake for ku. I wonder if I just showed up at Ku's house he'd let me stay for a bit.'you're telling me you could hear all that and DIDNT know?"

Kusuo sat silent for a moment as he remembered all the times Y/n had thought about him. ".... I thought we were just really good friends." he shrugged. Y/n sighed, "no, im- very madly in love with you. And I now mean this is the sweetest way possible, you're an idiot." "rude" "not if it's true!" "still" "could read my mind and thought we were just friends" ".... no comment."

Y/n sighed and shook his head at me. "I can't with you sometimes, haha." he grabbed my hand, then cupped my cheek. "But... now that you do know.. would you give me the honor of..." 'letting me call you my boyfriend?' he thought. I smiled, and saw his eyes widened I'm surprise, "yes, I suppose." "You- You smiled!! At something that isn't coffee jelly!" he grabbed both my cheeks, "Can you do it again? I swear you're just the cutest! Now that we're dating you better believe I mean that 100%!"

I smiled again, after a moment I leaned my head against his shoulder. It felt... weird, engaging in such an action, but I didn't hate. "Awwwwww! Kusuo!" He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "You're so cute, yknow that? I didn't expect you to initiate something, yknow you don't have to be all touchy if you don't want to." "It did feel weird doing it."

"Hm. Tell you what, if you don't wanna engage in anything, don't feel like you have to," he let go of my hands, and scooted back a bit. "I know you're not a physical person, if you ever don't wanna hug, hold hands, or- even be touched at all, just let me know. You always kinda recoil when the others touch you or come close... so just communicate it with me. I know I can get excited and- possibly jump on you, haha! But if its- a no touch type of day, I'll respect that."

There he goes again making my chest feel weird. I only nodded at his comment, and he smiled. He held his hand out to me, and after a few seconds I grabbed it. "You make me so happy Ku, I hope I can make you happy too..."






"You already do..."

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