Chapter 2:Cyborg Cider-Man Who?

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Saiki POV

A yellow balloon floated into the sky, a small boy, around age of five or six simply stared at it as it did. That is when Kusuo Saiki came along. Using his powers he floated up, and grabbed the balloon, handing it back to the child. After that, he tried walking away but the little boy followed him. Oh no, I already regret getting that kids balloon.

The kid as mentioned was clinging to Saiki's pant leg. He gave a small laugh and showed Saiki what looked like a comic book. "Hey mister! Are you Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2? Because I think you are!" The kid said. Saiki looked down at him with a frown. "Sorry but I am not Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2," He said, turning his back on the child. "Hey your secret is safe with me Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2!" "Still wrong. I am not a Cyborg, a Cider-Man, nor a number two, or any other number," He tried his best to get away, but the kid was persistent.

The child clutched the comic in his hands and showed it off to Saiki again. "But I just saw you do the soda jump to save my balloon! It's too late to try and hide it now," he said, a large smile on his face. "I'm not a superhero kid, I'm a highschool student," The kid ignored him, and proceeded to reach into his shoulder bag. "Can I have your autograph? Here- Huh..." as the kid was grabbing a pen from his bag, Saiki quickly teleported away.

As the child looked around, Saiki simply hid behind a wall at the end of the street. I don't have time for this. Just as he was about to walk away, the child let out a loud cry. Causing the teen to walk back and peek at him from around the corner. In the end, he signed the kids bag. "Whoa!! Thank you! I'll never wash this bag again!" He can't be more than five. Where's his mom? Is he lost? "So um... could you please do the soda jump again?" The young boy asked, once again showing off the comic book.

I can't believe this is a real hero. Is there a Cyborg Cider-Man Number 1? "I always drink energy cider to support you!" His entire comic is just an ad for some gross drink. So it's just sleazy marketing tactics to rip off kids. "Come on, do the soda jump!" Honestly, I don't have time for this kid. "The carbonation from the soda shooting out of the bottom of your feet is what makes you jump so high in the air right?" That's a lot of carbonation... "Jump! Do it! Do it! Uhg!"

The boy fell off the curb, and into the street. As he did, a car was speeding his way. "You idiot" Psychokinesis! The car was thrown to the side and hit the wall, both the driver, and kid were okay. That was close. "That was the soda air cannon! The soda air cannon is real!" The kid said excitedly, as if he wasn't almost hit by a car. "I know that move, it's like- you use the amazing power of carbonation from the soda shooting out of your hands to blow away your enemies!" Soda shoots out of his hands and feet? That's not a great power for a cyborg. They're raising a generation of kids with unrealistic soda expectations.

"I know everything there is to know about soda and Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2." Have they even replaced his blood with soda..? "I know you're Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2! I'm sure of it! Oh Cyborg Cider-Man Number 2 I love you so much!!" The kid climbed onto Saiki's arm, and now hung from it. Does he really have to say that stupid full name every time? It's so annoying. Good motivation to find the kids' parents ASAP though...

As Saiki was thinking to himself, a policeman rounded the corner with a bike. Oh hey, a policeman. That was easy. "This little boy lost?" The officer asked. In the short amount of time Saiki spent thinking, and the officer showed up, the little boy had somehow made his way onto Saiki's shoulders. 'Suspicious... Why does this little kid love this teen so much?' The officer thought. Isn't that better than the opposite? 'Thirteen years on the job and my gut says this is bad'

Find a new job. Saiki took the kid off his shoulders and put him in front of the officer. Anyway, the kids all yours, I'm out of here. "Alright son, are you friends with that big kid?" "Yes sir, he's a superhero with a secret identity! You should've seen him shoot a car!" And at that, Saiki ran. "Hey! Hold it right there!" Thus the officer chased him. But a few seconds later Saiki came back from around the corner calmly, no officer to be seen.

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