Chapter 8: Quite Disastrous

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Saiki POV

"So that's what happened... And Kokomi hasn't said a single word to me since!" "Go home perv" "we're just having a little lover quarrel. Do you know what a lover quarrel is? It's a minor quarrel between lovers, but I'm the only person who can have one with Kokomi cause I'm the only one she loves-" "Get to the point!"


And now I'm here. Teruhashi's brother showed up at my house yesterday and asked me to give her a message since they had a fight apparently. I won't go too far into it though. I just have to tell her not to go to a specific area so he doesn't bother me again. Before I went to find Teruhashi though, I went to search for Y/n first. And by search, I mean wait at his door until he comes out. He's so slow in the mornings. He's even groggy in his thoughts. 'I hate waking up so early... I wanna go back to sleep.. but then I won't see Kusuo.. uuuuhhhhhhgggggg' so weird.

Finally after a few minutes though he opened the door. "Oh- hey Ku. Were you just waiting out here for me?" "Yes." "Pft- ok. Weirdo, let's get goin then." He walked off, and on the way to school I let him know what happened the other day. "Ah- you're kidding me? He actually said that? Jeez..." he sighed, "Let's go find Kokomi and tell her then. If ya don't tell her lord knows what he'll do. Jeez." I nodded in agreement, and we quickly started our search for Teruhashi.

"What!? He came to see you? I'm sorry if he caused you any trouble." That's putting it lightly. "Why are you talking to me from so far away!?" "Go ask your brother." "I'm sorry." 'Stupid brother! Causing trouble for Saiki! Now I have to offer some apologetic gesture to make it up to him!' Please, I'd rather you not. "You let her know, let's get going yeah? I tried out that recipe I told ya about~" "I want it immediately." "Haha! Figured." Y/n and I started to leave but- "Wait Saiki! Are you free after school today?" 'That's right, I have to do this. Do you know how lucky you are Saiki? I'm obligated to apologize so my hands are tied! Of course this is merely a gesture, nothing more!' "Do you wanna get some tea after school?" 'It'll be my treat! Now feel honored, this is only an obligatory gesture but I've never asked anyone out on a date before! You might even say your first Oh wow Huh!' "Is she tweeking or something? We're sitting in silence." Y/n whispered. Saiki shivered slightly and pushed him back a bit before shrugging lightly. I'm basically having a full conversation with her, hearing her thoughts. As much as I wish I didn't right now. What makes her think I'm ever gonna say oh wow?

'There's no way any man could ever turn me down!' Actually- "You know if I can't go where they're filming, how about we go to a neighboring town!" 'No! This can't be happening! If you reject me I might just die! My life will be over! Just say yes already!' "Uhh- Kokomi? Are you okay? Ya look a bit- I'm gonna be honest, you look like you're about to have a breakdown girl." She already is. Internally anyway. "Ah- oh Y/n! I'm- im sorry I forgot you were here..." 'oh great! The other boy who I haven't gotten to say oh wow yet! What do I do now? If Saiki says no then Y/n will never say oh wow! I can't have him witness a rejection! No one can know!!' "Uh- you know... how about we all hang out?"

"Huh?" "Huh?"


'A date with Saiki after school in a neighboring town! Wait- it's not a date, it's a gesture. That's why Y/n's here! My hands are tied!' As Kokomi passed, people couldn't help but stare and mention how beautiful she is. 'Saiki must be experiencing pure bliss right now! And Y/n! They've probably been all smiles since the date started! I bet I'll hear them both say oh wow at least 20 times today!'

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