Chapter 5: Back to School and... A DATE?!

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Very quickly :0 in the last chapter Y/n established to the others (Teruhashi, Yumehara, and Kaidou) That they may call him by his first name. So in the narrative those three will be addressed by their first name when it's in Y/n's POV. Also!! (F/D) stands for favorite dessert.

Saiki's POV

"I heard we're getting a new transfer student today!" "Really?" "Is it a guy or a girl?" "Heard it's a guy." "Uhg.. ok. Did you do your homework?" "Yeah but you can't copy it." Try to show some interest guys. "I hope he's hot." "My horoscope says I'm gonna find love today!~" And they're too interested. Quit getting your hopes up for transfer students. Or did you forget the last one? Wait-... The one before the last one. Iridatsu is the exception. Speaking of, here he comes.

"Hey Saiki! Heard we're getting another student, at least the class will be even now," he chuckled and sat next to me. ' Weird to transfer in the middle of the year though... even though I came in after summer break..' oh he doesn't have the ring on today.

"Alright everybody take your seats. I want you to meet our new transfer student. Come on in," the teacher said, all the girls excitedly looked at the door. But once he walked in, their faces fell. 'He looks gloomy' 'not too bad I guess..' 'Why couldn't we get a chick?' How brutal.

"Please, introduce yourself." He nodded to the teacher, and wrote his name on the board. "I'm Aren Kuboyasu. I moved here from Ibaraki prefecture- Ngh!?" He quickly turned to the board and erased it. "Damn it, old habit!" 'Was here? He used to tag or something? That's pretty cool. Some graffiti is really pretty.' Seems Iridatsu doesn't care.

"Nice to meet you, Kuboyasu!" "What was that?" Kuboyasu smiled awkwardly, "Uh- Sup homies." "Homies?" "Good to meet ya man!" "Haha, you're funny." "The new kid seems like a pretty interesting guy Huh?" Kaidou said. If only he was just interesting.

Later, in the bathrooms Saiki sat in one of the stalls. In the other was Kuboyasu, who punched a hole in the tile wall. "Damn it, that was too close. They almost found me out there. It ain't easy acting like a goody-two-shoes." Is talking to one's self in the bathroom normal or something? 'I'm a former punk, and my folks were punks too. My old man was head of a biker gang and mom led a women's gang. Course I'd follow in their footsteps, and grow my hair out.'

At least he's not talking to himself now. But seriously, what's with people having mental monologues? Everyone reading this has watched the show or read the manga, they know what this is about. Anyway, back to Kuboyasu.

'But now my punk days are behind me. I ain't gotta fight no more. I'm gonna study hard and live the straight and narrow. Just watch! And if anyone gets in my way I'll beat the crap out of 'em!'

So much for not fighting. Everyone has a past, and secrets they wanna keep to themselves. I have no problem with that but people don't just change overnight. If he causes trouble at our school, I'll get him transferred.

Kuboyasu walked past someone in the hall who was looking at him, and he snapped. Though he apologized right after. Then, after bumping shoulders with Takahashi he almost hit him over the head with a fire extinguisher. 'I can't do anything! It feels like I'm tied to a leash!' Feels that way because you were running wild.

Oh great. Now Nendou is with him... "hey new kid!" A ⁉️appeared by Nendou's head as he stared down at Kuboyasu   What's with all the punctuations? They were around Kuboyasu too. I just didn't care to point them out. 'Huh? Who the hell is this guy? Looks like a punk, and a real tough one at that.' Please just go back to class.

He was about to fight Nendou before turning away. "No way! I ain't throwing down with you, homes!" "Huh? So we ain't doin' this?" 'Oh no! I talked like a punk without even realizing it!' "Don't tell me you're chicken. Heh heh," Nendou chuckled, and Kuboyasu turned back to him looking pissed. "I guess it's only natural you'd back down. I mean, I may not look it but I'm a punk." 'Well if you looked like that and weren't a punk you'd have to be some kind of idiot.' That's exactly what he is.

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