Ch 1 meeting the gang

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"Hey Tiffany wake up" I heard Dally's voice

"shut up Dally and let me sleep" I said covering my face with the pillow.

Then Dally said pulling on my arm. "Ahhh fine" I finally give in.

I know what your thinking your Dallas Winston kid sister she must be a bad as him well before you start judging I'm not like Dally at not I'm too nice and not as bad

"Hurry I'm ganna take you somewhere"

"Fine get out" I said starting to shove Dally out

"OK OK I'm going geez"Dally said getting out of my room and closing the door behind him.

I took out a yellow dress up to my knees and put on my black convers. If Dally is taking me somewhere might as well look nice. On my way out of my room I grabbed my black leather jacket

"Dally I'M READY TO GO" I screamed ever though he was next to me

"You didn't have to yell" he said giaring at me

"I know but I felt like it" I said gigging

"So where are u taking me" I asked

"Catch me and you will fine out" Dally said running out the door.

I sighed and started running after him. After running past a lot of houses I caught up to Dally and tackled him

"OK I caught you now where are we going" I said getting up

"Were here" Dally said getting up. I looked at the house

"umm are we moving here" I asked

"No your gonna meet the gang" I looked at him and smiled

"OK it sound nice"I said dusting myself off

"OK c'mon your gonna like 'em" he said holding my hand.

Dally walked in the house and I followed him in

"Who that your girlfriend" two-bit said looking at me

"NO she my kid sister"

"What her name" two-bit asked

"I'm Tiffany, Tiffany Winston" I told him shy

Two-bit said while shaking my hand "Hi I'm Two-Bit nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

Just then Darry and Soda walked in the room

"Hey is that your girlfriend Dally" soda said making kisses faces

"No I'm not his girlfriend I'm his kid sister my name is Tiffany" I said trying to clear thing up

"Sorry I didn't know" Soda said

I don't know why everyone think I'm his girlfriend I look to young to be his girlfriend plus I'm not his type

"Where ponyboy" Dally asked

"Should be Coming home from the store" Darry told Dally

that when pony, Johnny and Steve walk in the house

"Who she" Steve asked

"OK everyone this is my kid sister Tiffany she going to be part of our gang now" Dally said making sure everyone was listen

"Hi I'm Ponyboy Curtis but can call me Pony if you like" Pony said

"Hi Pony I'm Tiffany Dally's little sister"

"How old are you" Pony asked looking at his feet nervously

"I'm 15 you" I said a bit shy

"Me too just turn 15 last month" pony said smiling at me

I don't know why but something about this Pony kid makes my heart beat fast

"Sorry for thinking that you were Dally's girlfriend" Soad apologized

"That OK you didn't know"

"Dally since when did you have a sister and why didn't you tell us about her" Steve asked

"I did tell you guys I talked about her all the time do you ever listen"

"I guess not"

"Plus she just moved back home from staying with our Ant for a little while well I was in jail" Dally added

About an hour later of talking to the gang it was time for me and Dally to started headed home for the night

"Bye guys. see you tomorrow Pony" I said as I walked out the door with Dally

"How do u like the gang" Dally asked me

"I like them a lot they're really nice people" I told him

"I saw you and pony hitting it off well, do you like him" Dally asked

my face went really red when Dallas asked me that but what is his trying to ask me do I like him as a friend or more then friends

"I don't know we just met today he a really nice person"

"Pony and you are so alike being into the same things it scarey to me your like a girl version of him" Dally told me

My face was going more red by that point. Maybe it because I do like Pony he is cute but someone like him will never go for a girl like me a specially when I'm Bad boy Dally's kid sister he might think I'm just like him really bad just like Dally.

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now