Ch 10 Today Was The Day

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"Wake up Tiffany woke up" Pony said

I jumped up and fell off the bed to the floor

"Sorry to wake you but I need to make the bed" Pony said helping me up

That when I realize I was still at Pony house in his room

"That OK" I said

"I have to go to work see you later" Pony said putting his arm around me and kissing me goodbye

"I'll come by later to see you" I told him as he headed for work

I started to take a shower and get ready for the day wearing Dally's shirt and pants

"Who want to go to the drive in with me" Dally asked walking in the house and smoking a cigarette

"Sure I'll come" I said getting out of the bathroom into the living room where Dally was

"OK let go" Dally said smoking some more of his cigarette and putting it out

We started to walk downtown on our way to the drive in because Dally's car was being fixed

Sure it was a long walk to get there and when we got there we went to the fence that Dally like to go so we can get in without paying

There this hole in the fence Dally found out about it last year and ever since then he haven't pay one cent to go in the drive in

"Do you have your inhaler with you" Dally asked

Ever since the day I ran the track meet I had to carry an inhaler with me wherever I go

"Yes I have it" I told him

We sat down and watch the movie as Dally talked to girls until it was over

"Are you going over to the diner" Dally asked

"Yes I am" I said

"I'll come with you" Dally told me

We headed inside the diner and took a seat in one of the booths

"So what can I get you two" Pony asked with a pen and paper in his hand

"You know what I like" I said giggling

"I know but it part of my job" Pony told me

We order our food and started to talk as Pony left

"You know Soda birthday coming up" Dally told me

"No I didn't know" I said

"Soda turning 18 and we are going to have a surprise party for him this Saturday so don't tell Soda" Dally told me

"OK I won't" I said

Just then Pony came back with our food

"Here you go guys" Pony said handing us our food

"Thank man" Dally said digging into his food

"Slow down you don't need to eat that much" I told him

"Hi guys"

I turn around to see johnny at the door coming this way with his crutches

"Hey man come sit down" Dally told him as Johnny took a seat beside me

"What bring you here" I asked

"I just want to get away from my mom, she having a fight with my dad again" Johnny said

"Are you hungry" Dally asked Johnny

"No why you ask" Johnny said eatting my food

"You can stop eatting my little sister frise" Dally told him


"Thank OK" I said

"Pony come here" Dally yelled as Pony walked over

"What can I get y'all" Pony asked

"You can start by bring Johnny here some fries" Dally told him

"Coming right up" Pony said as he started to walk away

We all ate our and talked until Pony shuflot was over we all started to walk back to the Curtis house

"I missed you Dally" Sarah said as she jump up with her legs around him and gave Dally a big kiss

"Pony someone coming over tomorrow to talk about adoption your kid" Darry told him

Pony's eyes were tearing up I knew Pony didn't want to give his baby to someone else but we didn't have anough money to keep her

"I don't want to give the baby up she need her real dad not someone else" Pony cried

"It going to be OK a less you still get to be part of her life it an open adoption" Soda said putting his arms around him

"It for the best Pony" I told him as my eyes water up

"Tiffany we have to go home you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow" Dally said as we started to head home

Today was the day we were going to meet Rosy new parents

I started to get dress wearing Dally's new shirt but same old pants and out the door I went all the way to Pony's house

"Today the big day" I said as I walked in

"Ya" Pony said with tears in his eyes

"Am I doing the right thing giving her up Pony looked heart broken" I said to myself

Just then the people came to talk about the baby

"Come on in" I said as they took a seat on the couch

"I'm really happy we can make this work" the lady said

"We just need you yo sign some paper saying you will give the baby to us" the men said

"Your going to take good cared for her right" Pony said tearing up

The men handed us the paper and a pen to sign with I took the pen I was about to sign but stop

"Is something wrong" the lady asked

"No" I said

I looked at pony he was really upset about this it was the first time I see him this upset about anything in his life

"Sorry but I can't do this" I said putting the pen down

Pony looked at me with wide eyes

"What are you doing"

"No Pony I have to do this your not going to forgive yourself if I sign this" I said looking at him

"How are we going to get the money to take care of her" Pony asked me

"I don't know I'll have to work at the diner with you I'll do anything but I'm not giving her away" I said

"I'm guessing you don't need this" the men said ripping the adoption paper in half

Pony hug me happy with a big smile on his face then I looked at the people who were leaving the house

"Sorry" I said to the lady

"It OK it happened a lot with new parents" she said smiling at me as they walked away

"I guess I did find Rosy some new parents" I told Pony

"I though you didn't sign the papers" Pony said confused

"I didn't have to"


"Because we are her new parents" I.said hugging pony and smiling

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now