Ch 8 Camping

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I walked into the Curtis house where the whole gang was talking about something

"What are you guys talking about" I asked

"Didn't Dally tell you we are going on an vacation and your coming with" Darry said

"Sorry I forgot to tell you but I did pack your bag" Dally told me

"Where are we going" Two-Bit asked as the whole gang started to talk

"Everyone HEY EVERYONE... we are going camping" Darry yelled "and don't do anything with your girlfriend"

We all smiled as Pony gradded my hand and rose it up

"Feels great going with my girlfriend" Pony said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek

"We are leaving tonight so get ready now" Darry said

I walked into Soda's and Pony's room that they shared when I saw Soda slow kissing Sandy's neck and up to her lips on the bed

"Whoooa Whoooa I came in here to help Pony pack not to see you making out with your girlfriend" I told him

We all started to get ready to leave it was 12:00 am when we headed into the cars

There was 3 cars going one was Dally was driving with Sarah, Steve, Christi and Johnny the second car was Darry with Soda, Sandy, Pony and me the last car was Two-Bit he was in his car with all of our bags and the tents

"Can we stop for a bathroom break" Pony asked Darry

"Sorry but you have to wait until we get to the camp ground" Darry told him

We all sat quietly while we headed to the camp ground

I suddenly felt sleepy and layed my head on Pony's chest he put his arms around me and pulled me closer as we all fell asleep but Darry who was still driving in the dark

It was morning when we got there I opened my eyes and noticed we were in the Forrest and the tents were set up by Soda and Darry

"Wake up Pony" I said shaking him and getting out of the car

"I'm coming" pony said falling out of the car

Everyone was laughing when Pony got out

"Here" Two-Bit said handing everyone their sleeping bags

Pony, Soda and Darry were sharing a tent together me, Sandy, Christi and Sarah had to share a tent together because Darry didn't want girls and boys sleeping together so that mean Johnny, Dally and Steve were sharing a tent together

"Can I use the bathroom now" Pony asked Darry again

"There trees everywhere go find one" Darry told Pony as pony left to go find a tree

I started to roll out my sleeping bag in my tent when Sandy came in

"Hey Tiffany nice to meet Pony's first girlfriend" Sandy said

"Nice to meet you too" I said to her as I got out of the tent

When I got out I was pony making a fire

"I'm going to the lake who want to come" Soda asked

Everyone Jon in and started running to the lake pony put out the fire gradded my hand and started running

When we got to the lake all the boys took up their shirts and jump on the water everyone even the girl who were in the water but me

"Come in Tiffany the water fine" Two-Bit said

Pony took my hand and pulled me into the water we had a good time we had snake sing songs and even looked at the stars until it was time to sleep

It was 1:00am when me and Pony both sneaked out of our tents

"Hey good looking" Pony said smiling at me

"Shhh you don't want to wake them" I said as we started to walk to.the lake

We sat on the grass looking at the water

"The stars look nice" pony said

We starned at the stars when pony jump into the lake

"What are you doing pony" I asked

Pony was about to pull me in when I said

"No I am leaving" I yelled out at pony who was still in the water

I started to walk away when pony said something that made me trun around

"Hey TIFFANY" he yelled "I love you"

Which made me to where he was and then BAM I had crash into a tree.

I layed my back not moving with my eyes closed but laughing then I shouted

"I love you too"

And when I opened my eyes Pony was standing in front of me

"Don't have to yell beautiful" he said laughing

Then pulled me into the water.

It was the last day of camping and everyone started to pack up the stuff

"Where Johnny" Dally asked

I looked around to see that Johnny was gone we all started to look for him

"Johnny.... where are you Johnny" Two-Bit yelled

"We need to split up me and sandy will look up there Two-Bit and Darry with look at the outhouse you and Pony look by the lake everyone else look somewhere"Soda said

"Where can he be I hope he OK" I said

"We all do" Pony said holding my hand

We got to the lake and that when we found Johnny on the ground holding his leg

"What happened to you" Pony said running up to him

"I was just out for a walk thinking about my girlfriend when I fell and hurt my ankle" Johnny said

"Who your girlfriend" I asked

"Stephanie" Johnny told me

We started to help Johnny back to the camp site

"We found Johnny" I yelled as everyone started to come back

"What happened" Darry asked helping Johnny into the car

"I think he spread his ankle" pony said

"It felt like it was just yesterday we were at the camp" Two-Bit said

"It was yesterday" I said laughing

We all got in the cars and started to drive home while pony ate marshmallow

"Pony stop eatting marshmallow your going to get sick" I said

"OK I will stop" pony said kissing my cheek

So ad trun around in his seat to pony

"Pony I forgot to tell you that I got you a job at the diner so you can help with the bills"

"Sound nice when do I start" Pony asked

"Monday, you go everyday after school 4:00-6:00pm but you don't go on weekend or Wednesday" Soda told him

"Can you put on some music Darry" Sandy asked

Darry put on the radio and may Angels lead you in came on as I started to fall asleep

It was 12:00pm when we got to the curtis house I must have been so tired because Darry carried me into the house and put me on the couch

"Shhh don't want to wake Tiffany up" Darry said putting me on the couch

Pony came over to the couch and kissed me goodnight

"Goodnight Tiffany sleep tight"

It was 3:00 am when I woke up and found myself at the Curtis house on couch but I was too tired to do anything so I just went back to sleep

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now