Ch 25 The terrer that brought people together

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We were all sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear if Soda was OK

"Is Soda OK is he going to live" Sandy said running up to us

All the girls walked in the hospital and took a seat in waiting room as we sat there in tears

"I don't know the doctor didn't tell us anything" Darry told her

"Where Stephanie where my daughter" I asked worried

"Don't worry she back at the house watching yours and my kids" Christi told me

The doctor came down the hallway and walked up to us

"Are you guys Sodapop family" he asked us

"Yes we are is he going to be OK" pony asked

Yes he fine just got knock out cold but how did this happened"

"I think he hit his head on the wall when he was making dinner" Darry lied

"OK we're just going to keep him overnight you can come by tomorrow to take him home" the doctor told us

We were all relief to hear that Soda was able to come home tomorrow so we started to head home to get ready for the night

The next day I woke up to the sound of the TV and people talking

"Good morring Tiffany" Pony said as I walked out of the bedroom

"What time is it" I asked

"It's 11:45" Pony replied

"Wow I must have slept in" I said

I took a seat on the couch as Two-Bit watched Mickey on TV

"This is all my fault what if Soda die last night" Two-Bit said

"Not it's not your fault it could of happened to anybody" I replied

Just then Darry came in the room

"Are you guys ready to go pick up Soda" Darry asked us

"Yes I am" Pony said

"I just have to put something else on" I told Darry as I walked back in the bedroom

I got myself ready as pony put Rosy in the car then we all left the house to get Soda

"I can't believe this happened last night what were we thinking we can't fight some of us have kids to take care of and if Soda die then what are we going to do" Pony said

We finally get to the hospital as we walked up to the front desk

"Were here to take our friend Soda home" Dally told the man at the desk

"He in room 220" the man replied

We walked down the hall and found Soda's room we were about to walk in when Bob the soc who hate us the most walked out

"What was Bob doing in Soda's room" I asked the gang

"Who knows" Pony said as we walked in the room

We walked in the room to see Soda laying on the bed with a broken arm and band aids raped around his head

"Are you OK Soda" I asked him

"Yeah I'm fine" Soda replied

"Are you ready to go" Darry asked

We helped Soda in the car as we drove off

"Who want to go to Dairy Queen for lunch" Darry asked us

"I do" Two-Bit said

"Count me in" Pony replied

"I haven't eating all day" Soda told Darry

So we all headed over to Dairy Queen once we got to the parking lot we get out of the car and walked in to find a table to sit at

"Why was Bob in your hospital room today" I asked taking a seat at the table

"Because Bob wanted to apologize for what he did last night and wanted us greaser and socs to stop this whole this and just become friends" Soda told us

"I think this is the first time in forever us greasers and socs actually talked to each other or even get along" I said

The waiter came and we all order our food I order a hamburger fries and coke to share with Pony, Soda, Johnny and Stephanie order hamburger fries and ice cream Two-Bit, Darry and Dally order just fries but Sarah didn't order anything

"I will come back with our drinks" the waiter told us

We were just about to talk when Sandy walked up to our table

"Hey Soda I know you just got out of the hospital but I need to talk to you outside" Sandy said

"Can this wait I'm hanging with my family" Soda told her

"I only have right now before it's too late" she replied

Soda and Sandy left and walked outside to talk about who knows what

"Where Steve and Christi" I asked

"They stayed home today their Baby boy sick so they need to take care of him" Darry told me

Just then the waiter came back with our food and set it on the table

"Thank you" I said as the waiter walked away

"So what do you think Soda and Sandy are talking about outside" Pony asked feeding out daughter

"Why don't you ask him yourself because here he comes" Stephanie said

Soda walked back to our table not saying a word

"What wrong Soda" Darry asked

"I don't want to talk about it" he replied

We all talked hand ate our food but Soda who just there sat not even taking one bit of his food

"Soda you have to eat something we don't have a lot of money" Darry told him

"Let just take it home I will eat it later" Soda said

"If something bugging you, you can just tell us were your family" Sarah told him

Soda started to tear up

"Sandy broke up with me" Soda told us

"What why" I asked

"Her family moving away tonight and she said it well be too hard for her to be with someone if she can't see him so Sandy broke up with me" Soda replied

Darry and Pony both gave Soda a hug as he started to cry in their arms

"Everything going to be OK you'll get throw this" I told Soda as I gave him a hug

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now