Ch 3 blood

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"Hey get in the car Tiffany I don't got all day" Dally yelled

"OK I'm coming" I said getting in the car and off we went.

I don't really like riding in the car when Dally is the one driving he away drive way too fast and that scares me a lot

"How do you feel about going to your new school" Dally asked me

"I don't know OK I guess" I replied

For the whole ride there I just sat in paces not saying a word

"Look kid Where here now so get out of my car, and have fun" Dally said pushing me out

I got out of the car and started walking inside the school to go find the office

"Hey I'm new here can I have some help" I asked the office man

"What your name"

"Tiffany Winston" 

"Here" he said handing me my schedule

I took the schedule and walked out the door to first find my locker

"OK I have locker number 25" I said to myself

I started to look around the school for my locker until I found it next to the boys bathroom

"Just my luck my locker here" I said to myself again

"Hey Tiffany" I turn around to see that it was Johnny

"Oh hey Johnny can you help me find my class" I asked him putting my stuff in my locker

"Sure what class do you have, I'll walk you" Johnny asked

"English room 120" I said

We walked to my class then Johnny walked away to his class

"Bye Tiffany I will see you later" Johnny said walking to his class

I walked into the class room and saw Ponyboy and sat beside him when the bell rang and everyone started to come in. Pony and I are the only greasers in the class as everyone else there are socs there not a lot of smart greasers in leavle A classes just me and pony that I know of

"We have a new student today" Mrs. White said looking at me

I was hoping she wasn't going to bring that up but she did

"Why don't you come up to the front and tell us about yourself"

I didn't really want to tell the whole class about myself but I had no choice so I started to walk up and everyone was staring at me

"Hi my name is Tiffany I'm 15 years old" I told everyone

"Greaser greaser" one of soc guys said

"Don't call people names Bob Tiffany please carrying on" Mrs while said

"I live in the bar house with my dad and my brother Dally who older then me. My dad never really home that all I can say about myself " I stop talking and went back to my seat

I didn't want to tell the class how my brother goes to jail and my dad hit me sometimes because they would think I'm a really bad kid and that not me so I didn't. Just then the bell rang to end class

"So where you off to now" Pony asked

"I got history so I'm going there" I told him

"Well see you later" pony said walking into other class

"Bye" I said

I walked into the history class seeing I was the only greaser in there I sat in the back and just took out my notebook and start to write.

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now