Ch 22 just the beginning

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It been 3 days since they took Rosy out of me the doctor said I could go home yesterday but I'm not leaving without her in my arms and Pony has been staying here with me the whole time

"Everything going to be OK I hope" Pony said with tears in his eyes

I started to cry and Pony came over to the bed to give me a hug

"I want to see her we never got to see her yet" I cried

"I know you do at least she still alive it not like the doctor going to come in and say Rosy die" Pony said

Just then the doctor came in the room

"Pony why did you have to say that" I said tearing up

"I have some good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first" the doctor said

I didn't say anything just tear up because for one I though she going to tell us our baby die but then again what the good news

"OK I'm going to tell you the bad news first to rip it off like a band aid quick and easy get it over with" the doctor said

"Here it goes she going to tell us Rosy die I just know it" I said to myself

"What the bad news" Pony said looking sad

"The bad news is your daughter has a heart problem it not to bad you just need her to have a check up once every two years" the doctor told us

"Anything else we need to do for her heart problem" I asked

"No nothing really, so do you want to hear the good news" she asked us

"Yes" Pony said smiling at me

"Rosy doing really well and can go home today the nurse will be coming by to bring your baby girl" the doctor said as she left the room

I smiled at Pony when I heard that we get to have Rosy with tears of joy not tears of sadness

"There the smile I've been waiting for I haven't seen you smile since they took Rosy out" Pony said smiling back at me

"I can't wait to see Rosy and to have her in my arms" I said

A minute later the nurse came in with our little Rosy

"Here you go"

The nurse came up to me and handed me the baby

"You guys have a nice day" the nurse said

"You too" I said as she left the room

I have seen lots of babies in my days but nothing can't compare to the feeling you get holding your own little one in your arms it feels different but it's a good different

"Awww isn't she just so cute" Pony said taking a seat beside me on the bed

"Only just the beginning" I told him

Rosy was the cutest little thing I ever seen she has Pony's blue, green eyes my smile and light blonde hair there a little bit of Pony and little bit of me in her and I love the new baby smell she smell just like baby powder I could smell her all day but that would just be weird

"Look she smiling at us" Pony said holding her hand

"I can't believe I made her" I said

"Actually we made her" Pony told me

"Oh yes how can I forget about you" I said joking

Just then there was a knock on the door

"Come in" I said

The door open and Darry came in

"Darry" Pony yelled

"Pony be more quite we have a baby now" I told Pony

"Sorry I forgot"

"OK you guys ready to go home" Darry asked us

"Yes, where the gang" I asked Darry

"At home waiting for you guys" Darry told us

We got ready put Rosy in her car seat and off we when back to our home

"Do you think Rosy going to love her first home" Pony asked me

"Yes but not as much as she going to love us" I told him

We finally got to the house as we took Rosy out of the car and in the house

When we got in the house the whole gang was there holding up a sign that said welcome home Rosy

"Welcome home" everyone said

"Wow thank guys" I said giving everyone a hug

"You know were family if you ever need help just call us" Two-Bit told me

I took all the baby stuff and put it in our room when I came out I saw soda holding our daughter in his arms with Pony beside him

"She has your smile Tiffany" soda told me

"I know that what everyone says" I said smiling

It wasn't even a minter of talked to soda when the baby started to cry

"Maybe she hungry" I told Pony

"Here I'll go feed her" Pony said as Soda hand him the baby

Pony took the baby and walked in his room to get the bottle for her

"How do you feel about being a new mother" Chirsti asked me

"I don't know I feel happy and scared at the same time" I told her

"Babies are a lot of work but it worth it" Chirsti said

The baby stopped crying and Pony came back out with Rosy

"Maybe when our kids get older we could have a play date with them" Steve said holding his son

"Yeah sure the sounds fun" I said

"Yeah we should do that" Pony said as he kiss my cheek

It was 5:30 when everyone started to head home but Darry and soda because they live with us or you can say we live with them

"Bye guys see you tomorrow" I said as I close the door

"I guess we're doing this alone" Pony said

"Pony they have there own life too you know" I told him

"I know I was just saying" Pony said

Rosy started to cry again

"I think she woke up from her nap" I said

"You get her this time" Pony said looking tired

"Why me" I asked Pony

"Is someone going to get the baby" Darry asked

"I guess I am and Pony I think you need some sleep you look tired" I said

"I am tired" Pony told me

"Well it only just the beginning" I said giving Pony a kiss before going in the room

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now