Ch 23 our new life

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It been a whole two weeks since Rosy first came home things has been hard for us but like Christi said it worth it and Pony still go to school on wensdays and work on the week days to help pay for our daughter

"Wake up Pony wake up your going to be late for work" I said trying to get him up

"I'm too tired" Pony said as he pulls the blanket up over his face

"If you want to keep the baby you will go to work" I replied

Pony got out of bed and got ready before leaving for work Pony gave me a kiss then walked out the door

"I'll came by later to see you at work" I said as Pony left

I was about to go back to sleep when Rosy started to cry

"Really Rosy could you have waited until I had some sleep well I guess not" I said tired

"Is everything all right"

I looked up to see johnny standing by the door way of my bed room

"Hey what bring you here" I asked him as I picked up Rosy

"I heard the baby cry and wanted to see if you need help No really I always come here" Johnny replied

"Oh yeah I forgot you come here" I said

I took Rosy and walked into the living room where Two-Bit Dally and Sarah were

"Good morning Tiffany I made you some breakfast if you want some" Darry told me

"Thanks" I said as I sat down to eat

"I have to go to work before Buck get mad at me so I won't be here to help you" Soda told me

"I though James was your boss" I said confused

"James was just filling in until Buck got out of jail" Soda replied

"Doesn't Buck work at the bar I use to live in" I asked

"The XD station is his day job he only 28 Tiffany" Dally told me

"I didn't ask for his age Dally" I said

After breakfast I got me and Rosy ready for the day then walked back out of my room

"Where did everyone go" I asked Two-Bit who seem to be the only one still at the house

"They left" Two-Bit replied

"I know they left but where" I asked again

"Darry and Soda left for work Dally and sarah went to the movies and Johnny's girlfriend came and took him some where" Two-Bit told me

"Then why are you still here" I said

"Like I have anything better to do" Two-Bit told me

"We could go over to Pony' work because I did tell him I would be coming by today" I told Two-Bit

"Sure let go"

"Wait I have to get Rosy's stuff that we need" I said handing Two-Bit the baby

I walked in my room and got her baby bag some bottles, cloth, daippers, blankets and my bag then walked out into the living room and put Rosy in her stroller

"That's a lot of stuff your bringing" Two-Bit said

"Well I have to bring all that stuff" I replied

"Is it just me or dose it seem like everyone having kids" Two-Bit asked me

"Family is all greasers have so it's normal for greasers young as 14 to have kids. I guess there is a lot of teen moms greasers out there" I told him as we walked out the door

On our way to the diner we ran into Cherry I use to hate Cherry but that was before I got to know her she a really great friend to be with who knew that a soc and greaser could be friends

"Hey Cherry how it's going" I asked her

"Good what about you" she asked me

"The baby keep me up all night" I replied

"Oh that reminds me I was at the diner and I over heard Pony's boss saying he should go home because he was too tired but he said no" Cherry told me

"Of course Pony said no we need the money you socs don't know how hard we greasers have to work to get what we want" I told her

"Yeah and you guys can just ask your daddy to get it for you and there it is" Two-Bit added

"I'm not like other socs I didn't like just having something handed to me I like to work for it that why I work at the stables most socs don't start working until their 20 years old" Cherry said

"And that why were friends, well I have to get going if I want to see Pony on his break"I said

"Well it was nice seeing you" Cherry said as she walked away

It was about 1:00pm when we got to the diner where Pony works

"There Pony" Two-Bit said taking a seat at the table

"Was Rosy being a good girl well I was gone" Pony asked me as he sat down beside me

"This is too hard I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother" I said tearing up

"Tiffany you can't just quiet now" Two-Bit said

"Puls I'm here to help" Pony added

"I guess your right but I never though talking care of a baby was so hard"

"I know I know but we will get throw this together" Pony said as he whip my tears away

I lad my head on Pony's shoulders as he held Rosy in his arms

"You guys are great parents" Two-Bit said

"You really think so" I asked him

"I think so I KNOW so" Two-Bit said standing on the table

"Two-Bit get off the table you don't want to get me fired do you" Pony said

Two-Bit got off the table and sat back in his seat

"You guys are no fun" Two-Bit said leaving the diner

"What gotten into him" I asked

Pony and I talked for a bit until his break was over

"I'll see you when I get home" Pony said

Pony gave me a kiss then went back to work as I started to head back home

"Man life is hard with a baby I don't think I'm going to have another one anytime soon" I said to myself as I walked down the street

When you have a kid there lots of cleaning, feeding, daippering, bringing a lot of stuff with you, getting them to go to sleep changing their clothes and your clothes a lot and the list goes on I just hope I don't have another one by tomorrow

Tiffany Winston                                        (an Ponyboy love story)Where stories live. Discover now