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The Chiefs were on a losing streak right now and today is Thanksgiving. I can't believe that Whit and I have been dating for almost three months now and everything is going so well, I think that I am slowly but surely falling in love with him. 

"Honey, is Whit coming over today?" My mom asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Yeah he is. He's leaving for North Carolina tomorrow to go spend some time with his family and then he's going to be meeting me in New York for the game and come home with me then." I said. 

"You guys are getting pretty serious huh?" She asked as she was doing like five different tasks around the kitchen. "Mom, slow down, you're doing too much at once. But, yes we are. I really really like him." I said with a smile. 

"I know you do, I can tell. When you're not here or at work, you're with Whit. You've barely spent a night here in the past like three weeks. Are you in love with him?" She asked. "I don't want to hear that answer yet." My dad said walking into the kitchen going to help mom. 

"I mean, I think I am, if not totally falling in love with him slowly but surely." I said. "I can't believe my baby girl is finally growing up. It's crazy to me." My dad said. "I will still always be your little girl, since I am the only girl." I said. 

"I know, you're the only one I'm going to get to walk down the aisle, I just don't want you growing up too fast." He said. "I won't dad I promise, Whit is more than anything I could have imagined honestly, he's perfect for me." I said. 

"Alright well, it's getting closer to the time family is going to get here, so go get ready and then help your mother set the table." My dad said and I nodded and went upstairs to get ready for the day. 

I heard Whit's voice from downstairs and it put an immediate smile on my face

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I heard Whit's voice from downstairs and it put an immediate smile on my face. I fixed the last bit of my makeup and went downstairs and saw him talking with Tate. "Hey Kates." Tate said as he saw me come downstairs and gave me a hug. 

"Hi beautiful, you look amazing as always." Whit said as I turned to him and I smiled and gave him a kiss. "You don't look so bad yourself either." I said. "Katie! Come help." My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Duty calls, I'll be back." I said before heading into the kitchen to help my mom finish up the last of the food and setting the table. 

"Alright everyone, time to eat!" I yelled into the living room and everyone came into the dining room and sat down. "I want to do a toast before we eat." My dad said raising his glass and standing up. 

"It's great to have everyone here for once and for Whit to join as well, welcome to the family, even though you are already part of my big extended family at the park, welcome to my actual family." He said raising his glass and we all cheers'. 

Everyone was getting to know Whit and everyone loved him, the kids loved him and so did my brothers, each one of them told me that they approved of him, so it means the world to me that he gets along so well with them and my mom, and my dad outside of work. 

"I love your family." Whit said as we were laying on the couch watching some football. "I'm glad, they all love you too. They told me not to mess anything up with you because they really really like you and want you around." I said with a laugh. 

"It's so easy with them since all you have is brothers and they all play baseball, it's easy to talk to them about that stuff and give them pointers about what it's like to be in the majors right now. I feel like an older brother to them." He said. 

"I know, that's what I always wanted is whoever I am with I always wanted them to get along with my brothers like they are their own. I'm so grateful for you." I said leaning up and giving him a kiss. 

"Hey, no making out on my couch young lady." My dad said as he came down and sat on the other couch. "No making out dad, just a quick kiss." I said and he laughed. "Oh babe, do you need a ride to the airport tomorrow?" I asked remembering he was going back to North Carolina tomorrow. 

"Yes actually, I kept meaning to ask you and then I kept forgetting, will you bring me tomorrow?" He asked. "Yeah I will, you're very forgetful, just like my dad over there." I said. "Katie, I am not forgetful, what are you talking about?" He said and I laughed. 

"Dad you forgot my hockey games all the time when I was in school." I said. "I was working!" He said. "Dad, hockey games are during the winter, mom had to remind you every time you guys would come out to see me." I said and he sighed. 

"Fine fine, you win this argument. Whit, always tell her she's right, because most of the time, she always is." He said and I laughed. "Noted sir, I do that now anyway when she tells me something." Whit said. 

"Good man, you treat my daughter well, I wasn't fond of this relationship in the beginning because of the age difference but, I like you with my daughter, you make her happy." He said. "Thanks dad, it means a lot for me to hear that. I haven't been this happy in awhile." I said. 

We kept watching football until it was time for Whit and I to go back to his house. I was staying there and bringing him to the airport and then coming back here to my parents house while he was gone. 

"I am going to miss you when you're gone." I said as we were now cuddling in bed. "I know, I'm going to miss you too, but I'll meet you in New York next week and it will be like I never left." He said. 

"I want to go out to North Carolina with you for Christmas." I said. "But don't you have a game on Christmas Eve?" He asked. "I do, but I meant after that, I'll stay here for Christmas Day and then I'll fly out with you for a few days and then head straight to Denver for New Year's eve for the last game of the regular season. I want to meet your family." I said. 

"I mean I wouldn't mind that one bit, I'm sure they would love to meet you as well." He said kissing my forehead. "I will come back to Denver with you to spend New Year's Eve with you, I don't want to miss out on our first NYE kiss." He said. 

"You're so cheesy, but I like it and that is fine by me, I don't want to miss out on it either." I said and he laughed. "Now look who is being cheesy." He said. "Still you babe, get some sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow for your flight." I said and he got up and turned off the light. 

"Good night babe, sleep well." He said giving me a kiss before I turned over and curled myself into a ball and fell asleep. 

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