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"Baby!" I yelled upstairs to Whit as we were now going to be late to our Venue tours for the day. Whit and I have decided to get married this offseason, well because we couldn't wait any longer to be married to each other.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming now!" He said running down the stairs. "You take longer to get ready than I do." I said as we walked outside to his car. "Sorry I couldn't find the shoes that I wanted to wear." He said.

Today was an off day, so we were doing some venue hunting all day and then going out to dinner tonight for our one year anniversary since he has a game tomorrow night. "Are you ready to pick our venue?" He asked as he was driving to the first one.

"Yes, I just can't wait to marry you. If our families didn't want a wedding, I would have eloped this off season and we wouldn't have told anyone." I said with a laugh. "Eager are we?" He asked. "Of course, are you not?" I asked questioning him.

"I am so eager to make you my wife Katie. I don't think I've ever been so sure of anything in my life." He said pulling up to the first venue where my mom and his mom were waiting for us. "Mom what are you doing out here?" Whit said as we walked up to the both of them.

"Well I hadn't seen you in awhile and Katie asked me to come out for this, so surprise!" She said. "I love you." Whit said as he turned to me and kissed me. "I know you do, I'm kind of great." I said and he laughed.

We went through about two other venues after the first one and then with the fourth one, we fell in love. "Is this it?" I said looking up at Whit and he smiled down at me. "Yeah, this is the one." He said looking at both of our moms.

"My baby girl is getting married." My mom said coming over to me and giving me a hug. "I know mom it's crazy." I said with a laugh. "I don't think that I could have picked anyone better for Whit, you guys are the cutest ever." His mom said giving me a hug as well.

"I think we can all thank my dad for this one, if it wasn't for him and being the manager of the Royals, Whit and I wouldn't have been a thing." I said. "Nah, I would have found you someway." He said and I laughed.

We went through the contract and picked our date and signed and now came the real wedding planning, guest list, food, colors and wedding dresses and tuxes. 

"We have so much to do in such a short amount of time." I said as we were now at dinner for our anniversary tomorrow.

"Yeah but I wouldn't want to do it any other way, I can't wait to be your husband." He said grabbing my hand across the table and I smiled at him. "Tonight, we'll go home and create the guest list, book a photographer for engagement shoot & wedding and book a videographer as well, does that sound good?" I asked.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea. I love doing life with you Katie and I can't believe it's almost been a year since we've been dating." He said. "I know, it's crazy how fast we've moved and how our life is going, but like you said, I wouldn't do it any other way. I can't wait to be married." I said.

"Nothing about our relationship is going to change, except your last name, Katie Merrifield, that's the best thing that I've heard." He said with a smiled. "It's going to take some time getting used to for sure. But I am so excited to be your wife." I said.

"Did you think I was going to propose this soon?" He asked. "I had a feeling that you were going to sooner rather than later, did I think I would get married to you by the end of the year, absolutely not." I said and he laughed.

"Well you're my soulmate and couldn't spend another year waiting for you to be my wife so we had to act fast." He said. "I don't think that I've ever been this in love with someone, so fast either." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean like I've been in love but not like the way you love me and I love you. I've had the puppy love and honeymoon phases, but it never lasts. They all just up and leave me when I won't give them what they want everyday and make me lose interest in them. You tell me everyday how beautiful I am and how much I mean to you, you just make me so happy in a way that I haven't been happy before." I said.

"I have always been taught you treat your wife the way you treat your mom, with the utmost respect. I will always help you, always tell you I love you and how beautiful you, it's not going to stop. When times get tough, I will be there for you Katie, I mean that always." He said and I smiled at him.

"I love you so much Whit, thank you for everything you've done for me." I said. "The pleasure is all mine baby girl."

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