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"Babe are you almost ready to go?" I yelled upstairs as Whit was still getting ready to go take out engagement photos. "Yeah just have to get shoes on." He yelled back and I walked away from the stairs and sat on the couch. 

I sighed as I read through the articles about the Royals not making the post season, yet again. It's hard to read when your dad is the coach and they talk about his coaching skills and saying that they shouldn't have gotten rid of Hosmer and stuff like that. 

They also keep saying that Whit should ask for a trade to a better team where he can thrive and win, but I think that he's going just fine where he is. "You know you have to stop reading those articles, they're just going to make you sad." He said coming up behind me. 

"I can't help it, it's hard to read what they're writing about my dad and you on some things." I said as we walked out of the house and to his car. "I know, but there's nothing you or I can do, we both know how good of a player I am and how much I mean to the Royals." 

"I know it's just hard to see the things that are written about you that aren't true. I know that I have to stop reading them, I just can't." I said. "Am I going to have to take your phone away every off season now?" He asked and I laughed. 

"I don't think that I could survive that long without it, especially when I'm away for games." I said. "I know, also we're having dinner with Salvy and Maria tonight." He said. "When did you plan this and why am I just knowing about it now?"

"Because I am forgetful and you should now that by now." He said and I smiled at him. "You're lucky I love you..." I said and then we pulled up to where we would be doing the photos. "Oh it's super nice out here, have you been here before?" Whit asked as we were walking around. 

"Yeah a couple of times, we were out here for some family photos when we first moved out to KC and I thought it would be the perfect spot for the two of us." I said and just then the photographer came up to us and we started taking pictures. 

"You guys are so photogenic, these photos are going to be great." She said as we were almost done, as the sun was setting. "Thank you so much for these, I can't wait to see them." I said as we were now at the car getting ready to leave. 

"No problem, thanks for being amazing! I'll have some to you later tonight for sneak peaks!" She said and then we went off to dinner with Salvy and Maria. 

"You guys look so done up, oh did you have pictures done today?!" She asked as we were now at dinner. "We did, I think they're going to come out amazing, she's going to send me some later on tonight." I said. 

"Are you getting so excited?" She asked. "I am, it's crazy to think we're going to be married by the end of the year." I said. "Do you think you'll have kids right away?" She asked. "No, I think we will take our time on that one, but when we start, I think we'll end up having three or four maybe." 

"Damn three or four? You crazy." She said and I laughed. "I have 4 other brothers and Whit has two other siblings, we're going to have a big family as it is." I said. "I mean you're not wrong, happy baby making to you guys." She said with a laugh. 

"How's the wedding planning going?" Salvy asked. "It's going, we've gotten most of it planned just have to get the dresses and tuxes and the flowers and then that's it. We've picked our bridal parties and it's been easy to plan a wedding in such a short amount of time." I said. 

"Why did you pick this year?" He asked. "We didn't want to wait honestly, I don't think I could go another year without her being my wife and her having my last name." Whit said and I smiled at him. "Wow you're a cheeseball when it comes to her." Salvy said and I couldn't help but laugh. 

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