Chapter 7: Moving Out

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Only one word is adequate enough to describe the current state of the apartment, cramped. Be it from doors slamming into the back of my head, to barely being able to get out of the house in the morning from all the foot traffic, something had to change soon before someone got hurt.

Kobayashi: OW! Tohru!

Tohru: Sorry, Ms. Kobayashi!

Well, more than they already were. I thought as I looked down the hall, watching as my sister rubbed her head from the latest collision.

F/N: You know, I think it's about time we get a bigger place.

Kobayashi: Really? You think so?

She stated rhetorically while reaching into the fridge and put an ice pack on her bruise. I shrug my shoulders and sip a bit of my morning brew, Tohru walking by a second later and bowing her head to us both. Though, her bow nearly knocked out Kanna in the process.

Kanna: Lady Tohru!

She yelped, nearly dodging the tail that came flying at her face. This only proceeded to get worse as Tohru turned and bowed to Kanna in apology, her tail smacking into the table and almost spilling my coffee over my lap. Letting a heavy exhale leave my lips, I sat up and looked at my sister.

F/N: I'm calling Mr. Kanzo.

Kobayashi: Please do before Tohru takes one of us out.

She said as we both glanced at the older dragon. Tohru at the moment, only hung her head low while muttering apologies to us. Stepping up, I gently rubbed her head till she met my gaze, the corners of her eyes brimming with tears.

F/N: It's fine, just go sit on the couch for now.

Tohru: Ok.

Tohru said with a slight blush forming as she walked over to the couch, Kanna following suit with a relieved look on her face. I gave her a passing pat on the back before picking up my phone and calling Mr. Kanzo.

Kanzo: Hello, Kanzo Relater speaking? How may I help you?

F/N: Kanzo, been a while.

Kanzo: Ah! F/N! How are you doing?

The older man said in a cheery tone that got a smile to my lips.

F/N: Well, though I wouldn't be calling if everything was peachy.

I said, Kanzo chuckling softly on the other side before he spoke again.

Kanzo: True, true, is there something wrong with the apartment? I assure you everything checked out when I looked at it for you.

F/N: Nah, the place is holding up great, just that we've gotten ourselves two new roommates.

Kanzo: Ah now I understand, the apartment isn't as big as it used to be, huh?

F/N: If the bruising on my head is any sign, yes.

I muttered as Kanzo calmed himself down and could only assume wiping a tear from his eye with the subtle sigh I heard.

Kanzo: Alright, want me to start looking for four-bedroom apartments?

F/N: Yup and try and keep them near where we are now if possible. Won't have enough for both a new place and a car.

Kanzo: I'll see what I can find then, will be in touch soon.

F/N: Seeya then.

I replied before hanging up and looking over at the girls.

F/N: Alright, shoes on people, we're going house shopping.

Declaring to the whole room, I got a mixture of happy and confused replies from them all. Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I lead the trio out of our home and down to the relater's office. Letting out a content sigh as we walked, I enjoyed the soft breeze brushing against my skin, the gentle warmth from the sun above. All of it left me with a slight spring in my step, to which the dragon beside me noticed.

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