Puppet Girl

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She was beautiful
And amazing
And sweet
And the nicest person you've ever met
Her smile was contagious
And her tears would make even the angels fly a little lower
But what no one saw
Was that she was just a puppet girl
And the person pulling her strings was cruelest of all
He would whisper words to her beautiful mind
He would take away her once constant smile
And one day when she had finally had enough
She wrapped the strings around her neck
And never again had to hear cruel words in her head
The angels didn't fly that day
And the world around her descended into chaos
The most beautiful, cherished angel of all
Had returned home early
No one smiled again for a long time
And it was rarely a sunny day
For without their precious girl
The world was a worse off place
The pretty, smiling puppet girl
And the mean, bitter puppeteer
Who had finally killed her dead.
There was no happily ever after
For the beloved puppet girl in the end.

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now