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I have that picture you know...

The one of the Christmas tree

Next to your tombstone

You always did love Christmas

Though I will never remember any with you

And that's my fault

They decorated the tree nicely

You'd be proud

Though you'd have a few adjustments

Aunt K still lives in your house

I hope she never moves out

That place has.so many memories for me

Remember how I'd always ask for ginger ale?

Or the way we'd sit together on the porch swing

And I'd swing too fast?

Do you remember any of that?

Or only how I ignored you on our last day together.


I was so scared of losing you.

Of growing up without you.

I ... I just refused to accept it.

When I saw you lying there in your coffin, I was devastated.

I told myself "she's just sleeping. She'll wake up."

You would've liked your funeral too.

They had you in your favorite purple shirt.

And your nails were done and your hair was fixed by your usual hairdresser.

Exactly how you would've wanted it.

It even got the family together, though that didn't last long.

I still have your necklace.

I'll always have it.

The one with the little silver heart?

It's my favorite.

It wasn't till recently that I've worn it.

Amber convinced me.

You wouldve liked her

She's a lot like you. :)

I miss you.

I have that picture on my wall

Of the tombstone so beautifully decorated

With a Christmas tree so nice

I love you

I'll never forget

I can do at least that

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now