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It closes around me.
Cloaks me from the sun.
It came so swiftly
I'd had no idea it had come.
It's thick black cloak
Hiding a massive black hole.
Into which I fell
And began to choke.
I could no longer breathe
Could no longer feel
All pain gone
Only emptiness left
With a kiss to seal't
He stays much longer than he came
Like a leech sucking my blood
Only the darkness feeds
On taking those who I loved
First he took my mother
Then my father
Then Taylor
The McGees too
If I love anyone else
They too will be doomed
So I shall stay in the darkness
Submitting to his wish
That I never leave
And only fall
From here to forever more.

~Isabelle Morris

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now