018: William Afton

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William's eyes fluttered open, overwhelmed by the bright white light of the hospital. Someone held his hand to their face, their fingers intertwining with his. He gave the person's hand a gentle squeeze out of care. The person gasped quietly, and William heard them look up at him as his eyes focused on his surroundings. Henry was the one holding his hand as his only friend sat on a chair pulled next to the bed. Henry's wife stood a foot behind him. Terrance stood on the other end of the bed, his hands close to William's arm. 

"Oh, thank gosh," Henry murmured as he pulled William's hand up to his forehead. "I'm so sorry, Will, I'm so sorry!"

William chuckled, his laughs crackly. His laughs quickly turned into a coughing fit. "It's all right, Henry. You don't need to apologize."

"You should've seen how scared he was. Especially after the firemen got you out of the house. If I didn't know better, I could've sworn he loved you!" Terrance joked, his words filled with giggles. Mrs. Emily laughed as a laugh-sob slipped out of Henry.

William's face burned when he remembered something. "The house! Is it okay?" he asked.

Everyone's faces went glum, giving him the answer.

"But," Henry started as Mrs. Emily rested her hand on both of the men's shoulders.

"We were talking, and we both unanimously agreed that you two can stay at our house until you can find yourselves a new place to live in," Mrs. Emily said with a small smile. William smiled, too. He was grateful that the Emilys were so willing to help him and his nephew.

A doctor knocked on the hospital room door and walked in, then checked burns under bandages William didn't even notice he had. The doctor told him everything was looking great and that he'd be able to leave the next day. Then the doctor left as Terrance sat in a chair against the wall, bundling himself into a little ball. 

"I must return to work. Feel better soon, William," Mrs. Emily said plainly before she kissed Henry on the forehead. Just moments after she left, Terrance fell asleep, pretty much leaving William alone with Henry.

"Will, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just trying to make breakfast for the three of us," Henry mumbled. His voice hitched as he spoke. He hadn't let go of William's hand since he woke up, and now Henry held his hand close to his nose and mouth. So close that William could feel his steady breathing, the exhaled air warm against his half-bandaged hand. 

"It's okay, Henry. Really. I forgive you," William replied with a sincere grin. "It was an accident. You didn't mean to burn my house down." The two of them laughed for some time, but their laughter quickly morphed into a painful, awkward silence that hung above their shoulders uncomfortably. 

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