048: William Afton

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William peered through the crack in the door. He watched as Henry set the knife down on the hardwood floor so Michael couldn't reach it. Then he stood up, carrying the young boy. Michael cried and cried. He begged for the knife and pleaded to be put down. But Henry just swayed slowly as he rubbed the boy's back in a caring manner. It took a while, but Michael finally started to settle down. Sooner or later, he was just sitting in Henry's arms as he pouted. His cheek was smashed as he rested his head on Henry's shoulder.

"Are you done now?" Henry asked quietly, a slight chuckle in his voice.

Michael tilted his head to the side as he gave a small grunt in response. He yawned audibly.

William continued to watch, amazed at his friend's work.

Michael quickly drifted off to sleep in Henry's arms. Henry laughed quietly as he shifted him in his arms. He walked over to Michael's bed and carefully tucked him in. He grabbed Michael's precious Fredbear plush and rested it gently inside the little boy's arms. He brushed a strand of hair out of the boy's face before he turned and walked to the door. He turned off the light before exiting the room and closed the door behind him.

But as he started to walk away, he ran into William. Startled, he jumped back, then quickly realized who he ran into.

"Oh, it's you. You scared me," he said quietly, a soft peal of laughter filling his words.

William put his hand on the back of his neck. "Sorry about that." He chuckled. "How'd you know that would get him to sleep?"

Henry led William away from Michael's bedroom door. "Laura's daughter is afraid of the dark. My sister started taking away her night light a few weeks ago, and when I went to babysit some of her kids the other day, her daughter started to act similarly to how Michael did tonight."

William chuckled. "You're great with kids. You'd be an excellent father."

Henry shrugged and walked off, then turned into the room he'd be staying in for the next few days. William quickly followed after him.

"Are you going to be okay all alone? Do you think you can run the restaurant by yourself and deal with Michael's weird behavior?"

Henry started to unpack his small suitcase. "I'll be fine, Willy. Don't worry about me."

William crossed his arms across his chest. "Henry, come on. I've told you to stop calling me that." 

Henry laughed. "No one ever said I was going to listen." He laughed again when William glared at him. "But, yes, Will, I'll be okay. I promise." 

"Are you sure?" he asked as he started to fidget with his hands. "You'll have to deal with Michael and his fear of being kidnapped. You'll need to help Terrance with his homework any time he needs it. You'll have to get furniture and games moved into Fazbear's on your own. And you probably won't be able to--"

"William!" Henry exclaimed, laughter filling his voice. "Come here."

William obeyed and walked over to his friend. Henry grabbed his hands and held them close to his chest. "I'll be fine, okay? Promise me you won't worry about us too much."

William looked away. Frankly, he'd rather worry about Michael and Terrance and Henry than worry about his mother. He hated his mother. She was mean and manipulative. Honestly, he didn't even want to go to his stepfather's funeral. He didn't like his stepfather, either. He was even crueler than his mother. The only father he liked was his birth father, but he passed away when William was five years old.

Henry sighed. "Let's go get you dropped off at the airport, okay?" he asked with a small smile.

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