Evan clutched his new plush close to his chest with one hand, his other hand trembling and sweaty as he loosened his death grip on the flashlight. He moved closer to the edge of his bed so he could shine his flashlight into his open closet. He didn't see anything, but he thought that he'd heard the fox thing run into it. Maybe not since none of the ruined animatronics had attacked for ten minutes. He might actually get some extra sleep tonight! He couldn't remember the last time he got more than four hours of sleep.
He turned his head and checked the digital clock on his dresser. It read 4:32 AM. One hour and twenty-eight minutes left. If another five minutes passed without any animatronics coming to devour him, he was going to climb under the covers, fold one of his pillows over his head, and attempt to go to sleep. Maybe the animatronics would leave him alone for the remainder of the night. If that happened, it would be a dream come true--a dream that he almost completely forced himself to not think about because it was just so out of the question.
"Be careful. I hear something outside of your door," an unfamiliar voice said aloud.
Evan screamed in terror, dropping all of the things in his hands and falling off the edge of his bed. He landed face-first, scratching his face raw from the rough carpet. He laid on the floor for a moment or two, trying not to cry again. But when he suddenly heard his left bedroom door creak, he rushed to his feet and sprinted to the door. He slammed it shut, counted to thirty in his head, and slowly opened the door again. He listened carefully for breathing, his own breathing stifled. When he didn't hear any, he stuck his head out of the crack between the door and its frame, then reached his hand through and turned it on. He watched anxiously as the one that looked like a screwed-up version of Bonnie from Fazbear's fun away and cower behind the wall/
"He's gone," the voice from earlier said.
Evan squealed, backing away from the door. "Wh-Wh-Who's theh? Where you?" he stammered nervously as he looked around his bedroom. But he couldn't see anyone else. Was he just imagining the voice?
"I'm over here," the voice told him. "I'm next to your bed."
He slowly walked closer to his bed. He still didn't see anyone. "No there. Don' see. Only stuff animal," he mumbled, his frown digging deeper into his cheeks.

The Fall of the Aftons
FanfictionDisclaimer: This story is an AU, or an alternate universe! Not all of this will go along with the canon lore of FNaF. The Five Nights at Freddy's franchise is owned by Scott Cawthon. I do not own it. Most of the characters featured in this book are...