158: Elizabeth Afton

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A couple of weeks later summer break came around, but it didn't matter very much. Elizabeth wasn't allowed to do anything she wanted as she could past summers. She had to go with Michael anywhere and everywhere he needed to work—Fredbear's, Fazbear's, Circus Baby's. She couldn't be left home alone, so she rarely got to go anywhere other than Daddy and Uncle Henry's restaurants.

But one day, just a few days after Michael's birthday, someone came knocking on their front door.

"Beth, can you get that for me?" Michael called from the kitchen, busy making dinner.

"Yeah!" she shouted back, hopping off the couch before making her way to the door. She peeked outside the window beside the door, freezing when she realized who was there.

It was a police officer.

"Uh, Michael? It's a police officer," she called, turning to look at the kitchen.

"What?" he asked, turning to her. "Uh, let him in. He probably just has updates about William's search party."

She obeyed and opened the door, looking up at the tall police officer. "Can I help you?" she asked politely.

"Yes, I'm Chief Officer Clay Burke, I've been handling all of the recent missing persons cases. Does Michael Afton live here?" the officer asked.

"He does," she answered quietly. "Why do you ask?"

"May I speak to him, please?"

She hesitated, glancing behind her to see Michael still cooking in the kitchen. "Um, hold on for a moment please, Sir," she muttered, then scurried off to the kitchen. She tapped Michael's arm, trying to get his attention. "Mikey? The policeman wants to talk to you."

Michael sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Okay, fine, um... Grab a cup of coffee for him real quick, I need to finish cooking dinner, then I'll talk to him."

She nodded and grabbed the stool from the pantry, dragging it over to the part of the counter where the coffee machine sat. She reached into the cabinet and grabbed a random coffee cup, then very carefully poured some coffee into it before getting down and going back to the officer.

"Where is he?" the officer asked, graciously taking the cup of coffee when Beth handed it to her.

"He's busy cooking right now, but he said he'll talk to you once he's done," she answered politely.

"May I come in while I wait?"

She glanced back at Michael, who was still busy, then nodded her head. She led him to the couch, then went back into the kitchen, using the school to help her climb onto the counter.

"Is he in the living room?" Michael asked, putting a tray of food in the oven.

"Yeah. He asked to come in, and I didn't know what to say, so I just let him sit on the couch."

"Okay. That's fine." He sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Well, the food is in the oven, so I can talk to him now. We've got a bit for the rest of the food to cook."

"Are you sure? You look nervous, maybe you should wait until the food is actually done."

"I'll be fine," he mumbles, taking his apron off and draping it over the counter. "Stay in here, okay? I'll go talk to him. I'll be right back."

She nodded, remaining in her spot on the edge of the counter. She tried to listen to the conversation Michael was having with Officer Burke, but it was hard to hear. It wasn't until Michael started to get emotional that she could hear what they were saying.

"Sir, please don't send us to foster care," Michael begged. "I just graduated from high school, I have a steady income from my father and Henry's business, I never leave Elizabeth home alone—she always comes with me to work, and to the bank, and to the store, and anywhere else I go, you can ask my employees—and I'm going to turn eighteen next year!" He sounded like he was about his cry, his voice cracking. "Please, I beg you, Sir, don't force us to go to the foster care center. I swear we won't cause any problems, and if we ever need anything, I can call Mister Fitzgerald from the business o-or my f-friend's father. Just please don't send us to foster care!"

The officer frowned. "I'm sorry, kid, but I have no choice. Your father is missing, and your legal guardian is dead. You have to go into the system until you turn eighteen," the officer explained. "Once you turn eighteen, you can leave and become your sister's primary guardian, all right?"

Michael looked like he wanted to continue to argue, but instead nodded his head, looking at the floor. "Yes, Sir..."

"I'm deeply sorry, kid. I hate to do this, but I don't have a choice." The officer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll come back to pick the two of you up tomorrow at noon." And the officer left with no further words.

Michael sat on the floor, burying his face in his knees. Beth frowned when she saw his body start shaking, meaning he was crying. She gently jumped down from the counter, going over to him and sitting down next to him. She didn't say anything, not wanting to upset him further. She just sat quietly beside him.

A little bit later, he started to calm down, resting his chin on his knees as he stared off into the distance. Once he was calmer, she quietly asked him, "Are we going to be separated?"

Michael sighed, wiping his eyes. "It's possible," he admitted quietly. "Very possible. But I'll do everything in my power to keep us together, okay?"

"Promise?" she asked quietly, frowning at the thought of losing her brother.

"I promise."

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