038: William Afton

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Henry pinned William to the wall--his go-to move when he needed William to listen to him. Why was it his go-to move? William seriously had no clue. He guessed it was because it made Henry seem more intimidating, which made it more likely for William to listen to him and go along with whatever he needed to say.

Before Henry could speak, the door to Henry's office was pushed open.

William's face burst into flames. His eyes were wide as he stared at Michael in the doorway, who looked utterly dumbfounded and bewildered. Henry stood in front of William, his grip looser on William's shoulders than it originally had been.

"Michael, what are you doing?" William asked nervously as he tried to get Henry off of him. But his attempt was halfhearted, and Henry was stuck in place, frozen out of stun.

"I woke up and came to find you," he answered quietly as he fidgeted with his fingers. "What are you doing?"

Henry backed away from William as he explained what they were doing. Henry had come up with something new to help the restaurant, but William was being stubborn, so he pinned him against the wall to intimidate him into going through the idea.

As soon as Henry finished explaining, Michael left the room.

William slumped to the floor as he groaned.

"What?" Henry asked, laughter filling his words.

"I'm extremely glad that wasn't Terrance just now," William told him. "That was mortifying."

Henry laughed loudly, surprised by the answer to his question. "What? Are you worried that someone will find out you're homosexual?"

William stared at Henry, hysteria twinkling in his pale sky-blue eyes. "Um, yeah, a little!" he exclaimed, a nervous chuckle making his voice shake. "Only you, my parents, and my siblings know--and you're the last one who's alive!"

Henry bent down and took William's hands in his, then pulled him onto his feet. William didn't resist. All he wanted right now was to go finish the leftover paperwork he had, then he could go home and watch the telly. The sooner he was done talking with Henry, he could do so. 

"You don't have a crush on me, do you?" Henry asked suspiciously, a sly simper spreading across his face. 

William was certain that his face was as red as the blood flooding to it. "W-What?" He giggled nervously, though it sounded creepy. He hadn't meant to, but he was just so nervous. "N-No, of course not! Why would I?" 

Henry leaned in closer than William believed was necessary. "There are two reasons why I might think that you love me. Would you like to hear them?" His breath smelled like coffee and the mints that he kept on his desk for the times when he felt naseuous. William finally nodded and he grinned, his expression shrewd and mischevious. "First of all, you had a major crush on me back in elementary school--and that was before you even knew why, or how, or that being homosexual isn't socially acceptable. Remember that?"

Of course, I remember that. And I still have a crush on you, William thought before he nodded his head, unable to find his voice.

"Second, you're so anxious right now that you're shaking. Yeah, I know I can be intimidating, but that's not the kind of nervousness you look like you're feeling. Your cheeks are bright red." He chuckled. "Well, those reasons, and the fact that you're just really gay."

"Gee, thanks," William grumbled, annoyed. He rolled his eyes and shoved Henry off of him.

Henry laughed. "What? It's not like I'm wrong." He laughed again, but this time, William couldn't help but smile. 

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