140: Evan Afton

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Evan listened as his brother cried outside of his room. Michael forgot to close the door when he left, so Evan got to listen to him sob outside his door. He felt bad as he listened to his brother cry. He hadn't meant to make him feel bad. He simply hated lying—being dishonest never did anyone any good.

Unsure what else to do, he shakily reached up and lifted the bandages off his eyes, blinking slowly as he adjusted to the lights. His vision was a little blurry and doubling, but it was better than being blinded by his bandages. He slowly looked around, finding nothing interesting other than his Fredbear plush beside him.

His Fredbear plush? What was his Fredbear plush doing here? Did Michael bring it for him? William never understood why it was so important to him, but Michael did.

He reached over and grabbed Fredbear, then shoved his nose between the plush's ears. He inhaled the familiar scent of home, exhaling a shaky sigh. It reeked of sterility and bloody bandages. It wasn't surprising that it did, but it was still a disgusting smell. It was soothing to breathe the scent of home.

As he breathed in the comforting smell, his eyes started to feel heavy, a sudden wave of drowsiness hitting him hard. He didn't fight it, simply laying back and closing his eyes. He laid there quietly, holding Fredbear in his arms as he let the darkness of sleep carry him away.

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