077: Michael Afton

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A few months passed since Michael, Evan, and William met Elizabeth. And now, holding now five-year-old Evan's hand, Michael walked into the wide cafeteria room at their school. At the moment, it was being used for after-school care. Practically dragging a stubborn Evan behind him, he walked up to the lady at the check-in desk.

The lady smiled at him kindly as she asked, "What're your names, boys?"

"I geh sis-er!" Evan exclaimed, ecstatic. "Be big bwother!"

Michael chuckled. "You're so excited to be a big brother, huh?"

Evan nodded his head happily.

The lady laughed, but it was probably aimed at Evan's obvious speech delay. "That must be why you're here!" she said to Evan.

The little boy nodded his head with an uneasy smile. He had told Michael that he always felt uncomfortable when people babied him because of his speech delay. Just because he "talked like a toddler" didn't mean that he toddler. And the poor kid hated that people couldn't seem to understand that.

The lady looked at Michael. "Names?"

"Michael and Evan Afton," Michael replied politely.

"Your little brother is adorable," the lady remarked as she hastily wrote something down on the clipboard in front of her. "How old is he? I take it that he's in the preschool care here?"

Michael shook his head slowly. "He's six. He's in Miss Olivia's kindergarten class."

The lady made an odd face--the same face that most people made when they found out that Evan was in kindergarten. Their faces always seemed to shout, This boy shouldn't be in kindergarten. He sounds like a preschooler!

But then the lady's face quickly shifted back to her normal smile before she pointed to one corner of the room. "Elementary students go over there"--her finger shifted to an adjacent corner--"and middle schoolers go over there."

Michael frowned. "Could Evan stay with me? I don't like to leave him alone. Kids constantly tease him, and I know myself how much those cruel words can impact somebody."

That was a lie. It was Evan who didn't like to be left alone. Michael just went along with it. He never minded having his little brother around him all of the time. The little one never caused any problems. Barely talked. And if he did, it was to let Michael know where he was going and when he'd be back.

"Sorry, kid. School rules." And the lady called up the next kid in line, ignoring Michael and Evan.

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