12: Fore they have murdered your heart.

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CHAPTER 12: Fore they have murdered your heart.

If someone is coming to kill you· you, get up early and kill him first-A Hebrew proveb about murder.

What if someone was to kill a loved one? Do you kill them to exact justice? Is killing them justifiable, or does that make you a monster.

If someone is to stab your heart, they are intent on killing you. Your heart is valuable and necessary In order for you to survive.

If someone kills your family whom live in your heart, kill them. Fore they have murdered your heart.


"The plan was to strip away any protection spells placed on the girl, it'll leave her vulnerable" the orange haired witch stood with her haired bowed in front of Essia

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"The plan was to strip away any protection spells placed on the girl, it'll leave her vulnerable" the orange haired witch stood with her haired bowed in front of Essia.

The blue haired woman, Essia radiated confidence, and danger. Seo wanted to shake beneath her boldering gaze, she could do nothing but shoulder the weight of fear.

Essie glared down at the outcasted witch. She was a witch who's family was kicked from their coven.
Seo's mother had went undercover for the Ruperts, this had ensured the death of Queen Varma and King Vamin. Yet, Seo' as coven had still forsaken her family, with a parting "we don't allow traitors in this coven".
Essie smirked as she stared at coat of orange hair.

Slowly she reached down. tracing her hand along the soft jaw.

"Ofcourse she'll get hers. The little voodoo bitch thinks she can escape her fate" rolling her eyes, briskly she turned away. Walking over to the parlor table where a cup and a brand new bottle of whiskey resided, she popped open the top before guzzling it down now ignoring the cup.

With a burp, "She'll get hers alright" slamming the bottle down she turned then frowned at the look on Seo's face.

"Is there a problem, Seo?" Essie couldn't stop her feet as she made her way in front of the girl grabbing her elbows.

"Tell me what is the matter" Essia declared, to Seo, essia sounded...worried?

Shaking her head, "It's just that for the few weeks I have known her, Zizi seems to be a good person" she said nervously, cautious of Essia's wrath, fearing of her dissapointment.

"We have known eachother since children. Your family has served my own. The agbi played a part in my parents death. Good person or not, she must be killed. How else will my family be avenged?" she questioned not expectecting an answer.

"It works out that those two are mated. I can kill two birds in one stone" she said with a twisted smirk. Her hands were no longer grabbing at Seo's elbows. She now stood turned slightly, a faraway look in her eyes.

"Those two are mates but they arent mated yet" Seo whispered. She feared, she had definitely dissapointed Essia. The only person who had ever shown her any sort of care in her life.

Her head had snapped up, a dark look clouding her eyes, "Your job....was to make sure they were mated. That way, when I tortue that bitch, Vamin feels all the pain" she said darkly.

"I-I know i-it's just that it took some time to tear down that spell the encased her. She should be unspelled by tommorrow morning" she said in a small voice. A voice so tiny, Essia almost couldn't hear her.

"Did you have to use the wisteria?" She spoke of a powerful herb, capable of breaking powerful spells.

"Y-yes.." she pointed to her ear, a gold ear cuff with what looked to be a globe or the inside of a clock, dangling from her ear. It was really a case which encompasses the smell and scent of wisteria. In the small sphere, there was a tiny crumb of wisteria.

"Where's the rest?" She held her hand out impatiently.

"I-I used it all"

Essia glared, her nose flaring a a she screamed. "Are you fucking serious??! You fucking IDIOT!"

Seo's eyes watered at the berating but she knew she deserved it.

"You fucking— here's what we'll do. You'll go fetch my book" she glared.

"Yes mistress" she said with her head bowed.


"Yes mistress" and she scrambled out the room.


Authors discussion: MISTRESS? You fawkin hoe! But why is seo's nervousness kinda hot

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Authors discussion: MISTRESS? You fawkin hoe! But why is seo's nervousness kinda hot. I mean Essie is fine so I would probably fold too lmaooo. No but seriously, bitch Seo when I catch you hoe? 🤏🏾🤜🏾🤜🏾🤜🏾

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