8: one step closer to freedom

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CHAPTER 8: One step Closer to Freedom

One day later.

As much as she tried to act as if she was the only one in the room, a failure it was, as she shivered at the feel of Zora's eyes on her

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As much as she tried to act as if she was the only one in the room, a failure it was, as she shivered at the feel of Zora's eyes on her.

Hand's shaking mildly, the right one which held the pen she used to scribble on the paper, she clasped it with her right hand.


Taking a deep breath in she tried to focus on her task at hand. Yes. Create a cloaking spell.

Beginning again, she jumped at the sound of Zora's raspy voice.

"Are you almost done?" It was a whisper, and all the hair on the back of legbi's neck stood.

So close.

Zora's cool breath fanned her neck.

"I-I um. Maybe you should do it" she all but shouted. Her words coming out in a jumbled manner.

Zora shrugged with a raised eyebrow.

"Um...ok?" She pulled the skinny chair that Legbi sat in from the desk, then slouched over looking at Legbi's work.

Legbi had a pretty good view of Zora's backside. A magnificent view. She wonder how the soft flesh would feel in her hands.

Legbi could feel her face heat at her absurd thoughts. She shook her head looking up to see Zora's head slightly turned.

"I can rewrite half of this. It'll take some time but I can do it" Zora stated.

Or was that a question? Ughhh!

"U-uh yeah. You do that" She said, then smiled when she saw the look Zora gave her.

I'm not some strange creature.

"Are you PMS'ng?"

"I-what? No! I'm fine" now she thinks I'm a weirdo.

"Are you sure? You always act weirdly when you PMS. I can get you some candy, I know you look the strawberry jolly ranchers". Looking at the worried look on Zora's face, she grimaced.

"I'm fine. Um, you can get back to rewriting the terrible spell I can't do" she said and added an eye roll in for emphasis.

"Mkay. Whatever you say my lovely" her full lips turned upwards in a beautiful smile.

Legbis heart skipped a beat, this is going to be a long ass rescue mission.

She didn't respond as she turned her spin chair in the opposite direction turning to calm her racing heart. She knew Zora was only joking but she couldn't help her erratic reaction.

Yeah, a long ass rescue mission indeed.

One week later.

Zizi hated what she saw looking into the opulent mirror

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Zizi hated what she saw looking into the opulent mirror.

A weak woman who did nothing in her power to escape, a woman who'd only cry at the mention of the death of her sister. No, she did slam her fist but that was it!

She hated what she saw. And for a second she wanted to cry, then she cursed that woman. And she turned around.

Meditation had never been her forte but she did remember her mother's words.

"If you ever want to remember something from your past it's best to meditate and let the memories come to you"
She'd said that one morning when Zizi freaked out about her forgetting everything she learned before the quiz.

"I'm gonna fail!" A nine year old Zizi complained while stomping her foot. With her arms crossed and lips pouted. Anaya smiled at her daughter.

"You precious girl" she tried to touch her chin with a curved pointed finger, Zizi turned her head away stubbornly causing the woman to erupt in a fit of giggles.

"Maaa! What's so funny?" Her arms now uncrossed and pout now gone. A frowned marred her features.

"You are silly, now listen" she squatted down in front of her. "When you get in class before the test. Concentrate love, try to remember everything you've been taught".

And that is what Zizi did. The memories were hazy as she closed her eyes, standing in front of the beautiful mirror. But she could see glimpses of the memories.

"Just think about it Zora, you'll get it" a five year old Zizi heard her mother say. Zizi was perched on her mother's lap, as she sat on the lawn chair. They were on the patio out back. Zora held a dead flower in her hand.

"What's she doing momma?" Zizi whispered clinging to her mother.

Her mother smiled a bright one, "mmm baby, she's growing a flower".


Amaya nodded, "and soon you'll know how to do that too".

Her eyes snapped open, she'd gasped as if she'd been drowning and she was finally tasting air.

Her plan was to try to remember as much as possible about magic, use it to her advantage, and escape.

It's gonna be hard but I can do it.

Taking a deep breath she was prepared to go under the water again.

"Miss Agbi!" Seo appeared in the opened doorway. Zizi looked behind her a sighed in relief. No Vamin.


"What were you doing?" She said harshly. Zizi wanted to jump back at the tone of her voice but refrained herself. It would only show weakness, I need to be strong.

"Nothing" she replied tightly. The motioned to the woman with her hand.

"I should be eating at this time, but I'm sure I'll die soon" her brash words caused Seo's eyes to widen in surprise.

"I'm sure you won't die miss, and the maid should be coming soon with your rations" she said in her formal tone. Zizi wanted to roll her eyes.

"Mm yes but I cannot help but to feel like I'm dying as I stare at these dry ole walls day by day, night by night. Is there not a library or some form of entertainment here?" She questioned. Then swiftly walked across the room so she was standing in front of Seo.

"I'll die of boredom never marrying your king. Can I atleast eat somewhere that isn't trapped in these pasty walls?" Then she clasped her arms on both of Seo's shoulders, and stared into her brown eyes.

"I-uh um. Yes. I'll see if his majesty will allow for you to eat in the library"

Yes motherfucking bitch!

Then the Japanese woman abrubtly walked out of the room in large strides. Zizi couldn't hold back a smile.

One step closer to freedom. I can do this.

Authors discussion: I'm sorry but Zora is moving too slow for me. Girl save your sister and make it quick please and thank you.

Also I don't know, I don't think I can make a good romance book mainly because I have not had that type of experience. With that being said, thanks for sticking around. Have faith in me. I will make this book good! lol 😭

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