Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. Dried tears paint my face from the moments last night. I don't why Lou chose to punch me away, I was only trying to help. As a sigh escape my body, I brought my self out of the bed. I couldn't just mope around in my house all day. No that wouldn't be okay. I just have to make the best of it.
I changed out of my dirty uniform and put on a freshly clean one. Us doll can't be dirty, no that would make Lou upset, and no wants to make Lou upset.
As I made my way out the door I could feel the sun set on my tan skin. "Oh what a day it's going to be", I mumbled out to no one but myself.
Walking around outside, I spot the ugly dolls. They were still here.....
Ugh, why can't they just go away. Then me and Lou can be friends again or maybe something more...

I've always had feeling for Lou, and I've always been by his side. Never have I that he would get mad at me for a suggestion.
Welp. It doesn't matter anymore. I mean who needs him. That's right. I can be just fine on my own.

As I was walking around wrapped in my own thoughts I could see Lou and Tuesday talking. If you can call it talking. More like flirting. Seriously, out all people he has to be with Tuesday. You have got to be kidding me.

I want him back. I just want to be with him. But after last night events I don't think that happening anytime soon.

Tuesday and Lou came up to me. Oh shit, they saw me. What do I do!

"Hey Kaitlyn!", Lou said as he put his arm around Tuesday with a cunning smile.

This Bitch did that just to that.

"Hey Kaity!! Didn't you hear Lou chose me to be his new bestie!!!", Tuesday said while wrapping her arms around Lou's waist squealing.

God please. If you are there. Get me out of this situation.
As if God has answered my prayers. Nolan was walking behind me reading a book.
"That's great guys!! Super happy for you two!" I said with a fake smile, tears threatening to spill. "Welp, I have to go. I promised I would hang out with Nolan today." I said rather quickly while grabbing Nolan's arm and pulling him towards me. "Wait what?!" Nolan said confused and scared. Lou was glaring at the two of us making Nolan even more scared. "Good chat! Bye" I said pulling Nolan and me from the situation not wanting to be there anymore. As Nolan and I were far enough I let go of his arm and said sorry.

"What was that about" Nolan said softly.
"Nothing. Don't worry about. You should probably go back to whatever you were doing. Sorry again." I said with a fake smiling turning around and start to walk away.
Suddenly I felt arms around me from behind. "You look like you need hug so." I heard Nolan say from behind me.
Strange. I've only had hugs from Lou. I would always avoid hugs from anyone else. Yet. This hug was comforting.
I let a few tears fall from my eyes. "T-Thank you Nolan" I said quietly as I wiped the fallen tears.

"See you around Kaitlyn!" I hear as the warmth I had suddenly left.

I look behind to find Nolan gone. Damn so many emotions in one day.
I sigh. "Maybe I should go back home" I mumbled to myself.

Maybe tomorrow will be be a better day.

A/n: Hey guys. Hope you guys like this chapter. I came up with it from the top of my head.😅 Anyways chapter 6 will come tomorrow. Byeee!

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