Chapter 10

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Kaitlyn ran down to the stage knowing how Lou was acting that this wasn't going to end well. Lou rapidly ran towards the big world portal with the giant knitting tool in hand.

"It was all a lie?!", Ox shouted to him. "Dolls don't need you or your training. You did it all just to feel powerful?" Ox hastily grab the knitting tool trying to take it away from Lou. "What happened to you? We were like brothers."

Lou stared at Ox angrily. "You, a reject, we're gonna leave me, just like the others. Ever wondered why the pretties turned on you?"

"It was you! You tried had me recycled!"

"Lou stop. This is getting out of hand!!", Kaitlyn tried to reason.
"Stay out of this Kaitlyn! I know what I'm doing." Lou shouted towards her.

"You wanted to leave so bad, I sent you right where you belong." Lou said turning back to Ox.
Ox and Lou were fighting and with the knitting tool between them. Lou suddenly stab the portal.
"Shit." Kaitlyn muttered as her as went big.
"The only thing I did wrong was I should have waited to make sure you were recycled." Lou told Ox as the knitting tool was pushed deeper in to the portal.
A light suddenly emitted from the portal as cracks were heard. Lou and Ox were pushed back.

Lou laughed manically as he saw the cracked portal. "LOU NO! DON'T DO THIS!!", Ox and Kaitlyn shouted at him as he ran towards the portal with the knitting tool in hand.

Lucky bay then came flying trough the air. He landed in front of Lou and started to use the knitting tool to hit him to the ground. Then Lucky bat hit him so hard that he flew towards the other ugly dolls as they them thew him towards the robot dog. The robot dog caught Lou in his Mouth.

"Omg. Lou are you okay?!?". Kaitlyn shouted towards him. "KAITLYN GET ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!"

Kaitlyn started to run up to help Lou out when suddenly she was held back by her arm. She turned around to see Nolan "Maybe this isn't a good time to help him" He said warily.

Kaitlyn signed. "I guess so"
No matter how much she wanted to help Lou out, Nolan was right. Everyone was mad at him. And cracking the portal was unacceptable, no matter how much pain he might be going trough.
"I feel bad for him tough." Kaitlyn said concerned. "Yeah. I do to. But we should probably let Ox take care of it." Nolan told her.

They then both looked up as they could her dolls all around shouting what to do with Lou.
"Uh. I have an idea." A random doll said as they pulled the curtain down to revel the washing machine. (I know Nolan was the one who did this but...Lets pretend he didn't.🥲)

Lou was then carried over there by the Robot dog. "Do you know how expensive this suit is? Dry clean only!" Lou cried.

"Hey guys? Something's not right with the portal.", A yellow ugly doll said

Everyone looks to see that the portal had a huge hole in it. They were all sad.
Moxy slowing made her way up towards the portal. She then stared to sing. As everyone was singing they put the glass pieces on the hole, trying to fix it.

(Time skip after the song and everything is happy again🥳)

"So, what happened next? Well you're not going to believe it. Or maybe you will. I don't even know you!", A flying unicorn ugly doll said to the readers.

"As your mayor, I'm proud to announce the permanent merger of UglyVille and Perfection." Ox said happily to the crowd as they cheered.

(Cue the song🎶 )

Moxy was in front of the portal with her friend as they were saying their goodbyes. Kaitlyn came up to her and smiled. "You know. I really hated you in the beginning." She smirked as Moxy started at her with a look of sadness. "BUT. Your not so bad. Go follow your dream will ya. It's the least you can do for causing SO much trouble." Kaitlyn teased.
Nolan then came out of no where and jabbed her side. "Be nice!" He told her.
"I was only joking", Kaitlyn said laughing nervously as she hold her now hurt side.

Moxy smiled at the twos friendship. "Don't worry Kaitlyn. I'll follow my dream no matter what."
And that's the last she said she turned and walked through the portal.

"So. Want to hang out today? I have planned a very fun day!!". Nolan said excitedly as he showed Kaitlyn his journal title 'Fun days with Kaitlyn!'.

"That's does sound Nice." Kaitlyn smiled. "But I have to go do something".
"Oh. Well okay! Maybe tomorrow." Nolan said with a small smile and walked away.

(Time skip to after Kaitlyn walk to where she had to go.)

Kaitlyn sighed as she was faced with the door of the janitor shed. 'I haven't seen him in days. Wonder how he'll react.' Thoughts consumed Kaitlyn as she warily knocked on the door. Shuffling was heard and the sounds of footsteps as the person inside made its way to open the door.

Lou sucked it a breath as he was faced with his former best friend. "K-Kaitlyn what are you doing here?" He stuttered

Kaitlyn could see the dry tears on his porcelain face as well as what was his perfect hair, now dirty and all over the place. She gave him a gentle smile. "I came to see you. Can I come inside?"

"Y-yeah! Sure, come on in." Lou said as he moved the door wider for Kaitlyn.

Both were no standing in front of each other bo knowing what to say.
Lou then burst out crying. "I'm sorry Kaitlyn. I really mean it. I was selfish, I hurt you and everyone. I feel so bad. All I wanted- is that..." Lou cried as he couldn't even finish what he was going to say.

Kaitlyn wrapped Lou in a warmer embrace. A few tears falling from her face. "Don't. I understand. You know I do. All you wanted was to be love by someone else. All you wanted as to go to the big world, but that chance was ripped away from you at the stray. Don't apologize. I understand."
Both we heavily crying clinging on to each other missing the others hugs.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Lou cried repeating the same phrase.

"Shhhhh. It's going to be okay. I promised you I wouldn't leave your side. And I don't intend to. Not ever." Kaitlyn softly cooed into his ear.

Lou's tears died done as he heard the comforting words. "You know. I always through you were beautiful." Lou sniffed while smiling toward her.
"Well of course, why wouldn't I be." Kaitlyn said as she rolled her eyes.

Lou gently took Kaitlyn's face in to his hands while laughing softly. "Still as sarcastic as ever." He teased as he pulled her into a passionate kiss.
Kaitlyn eyes widened slightly but then soon closed them, melting into the soft kiss.

A couple seconds went by, yet felt like an eternity. "Will, you do me the pleasure of becoming my girlfriend?", Lou asked
"I wouldn't have any other way." Kaitlyn said softly as she gently put her forehead against his. Both dolls having giant smiles upon their faces.

This was the moment.

It was perfect.

They only ever needed each other.

And they knew that's since the beginning.

A/n- Wow ok. This was a lot to write and I think my fingers are hurting from the typing. Um so this is basically the end. BUT. I will have two bonus chapters. One about life with Lou. And one of Nolan ending up with Kaitlyn. These ideas were created from Crystalthedaisy.
I would like to thanks this person for giving me the motivation to finish this book. I Seriously thought I was going to drop this book considering I started his two years ago, but it's nice to see this book have an ending. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and the bonus chapters will be out soon. Again thanks for the support😁 Byeeeeee!

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