Chapter 7

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Tears started to spill from my eyes. Ox was one of the any other friends I had besides Lou back then. I felt so bad When Lou took him away somewhere. Lou made me promise to never bring him up. So I never did.
"Ox...? I don't understand", Moxy said with confusion written all over her face.
"Ox! I thought-I thought you were..." I said while pushing through the crown of dolls. The tears escaping my eyes rabidly. Lou glared at me making me back up slightly.
Ox glanced at me sadly and turned his attention back in Moxy.
"Moxy...", He stated
"Ox. Wait. You won't believe this! The big world is real!", Moxy said rather excitedly.

"I know."

Moxy's face changed in to a confused expression. "What?"
"Come on, Ox." Lou stated with a cunning smile. "Relieve the poor creatures of their confusion. Why don't you start at the beginning."

"Don't you thing your going a bit far Lou", I said sadly to him.
"Now now my sweet Kaitlyn, don't be a fool and keep your opinions to yourself. You don't want anymore problems now do you", Lou said glaring at me with a fake smile.
I hung my head replying with a no quietly.

"What's he talking about?". Moxy asked.
"Moxy, all I wanted to do was protect you. But Lou and Kaitlyn are right. You're never gonna get to the big world. Let me try to explain"

(Flash back Scene/ Bold- Ox Monologuing)

"It all began in the Doll Factory. I don't know how, but I ended up in the Institute."

"Lou!! Look who I found" Kaitlyn said as she hold  her hand with Ox's while people gave them disgusted looks.  Lou kneeled down to Ox's height. "What's your name?" Lou asked with a smile.
"My name is Ox"
"Nice to meet you Ox!!" Kaitlyn and Lou said at the same time.
"Come on! Let me show you around!" Kaitlyn said excitedly as she skipping away pulling Ox along with her.  "Hey! Wait for me!" Lou said laughing as he ran after them.

"Lou and Kaitlyn welcomed me and we became close friends. And after I begged and begged, they even let me train. I even felt like I might have a shot at the big world. I was messing it up for the others, and they started to turn on me. I was scared.

"Are you sure this is okay", Kaitlyn said concerned.
"Yes. Don't worry Kaitlyn! I'll take Ox somewhere safe, and everything will be fine." Lou said with a reassuring smile.
"Okay...If you say so. I trust you Lou!" Kaitlyn said giving Lou a tight hug then walking away.
Lou sighed and walked the other direction.

"It was only Lou who saved me by showing me a way out. I wandered  into the dark and that's when I discovered the ugly truth about who we are and where we came from. We ugly dolls are nothing but rubbish. The humans found us unlovable and threw us away. I blocked the way to recycling  so that outcast dolls would be diverted to our cove."

(End of Flashback)

"We are rejects" Ox said sadly.
The ugly dolls looked sad and hopeless as they heard Ox's story.
"We belong in uglyville, where reject dolls can live safe. And free of anyone judgement."

"Oh...Moxy, Look at you. This is what we have been trying to protect you from." Lou told Moxy. "But I realized you'd need to hear it from you oldest friend." Lou kneels down to to Moxys height and grab her hand. "You don't belong in the big world. You don't belong anywhere. You shouldn't even exist."

"Moxy, I'm so sorry I lied" Ox said sadly
"So there's no big world for us? No kid waiting?", Moxy questioned with a sad look. "I'm so sorry everyone. This is all my fault. I should never..." Moxy runs away crying.

"Moxy, wait! Wait!" Ox yells after her.
"Now Ox, I'm an amazingly magnanimous guy, So I'll tell you what. Go back to Uglyville. Live your little ugly lives. Never come back here. And if you do, it's Recycling for everyone." Lou tells him. Ox walks away with his group sadly.

"I bet they'll be back. That little pink one never gives up.", Lydia says

"Shut the fuck up Lydia. At least she's brave and always follows her heart no matter the outcome", I said with angry.

"Yes, we'll, neither do I. Kaitlyn a word please" Lou said walking away.

What could he possibly want to talk to me about.

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