Chapter 1

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Years Later...

(Kaitlyn's pov)

I was walking to Lou's mansion. We were about to perform in front of the dolls. 

As I made it to his house I knock really loud. "LOU! ARE YOU THERE!" Geez, how long does it take to open a door?

The door suddenly open to a pissed off Lou. "KAITLYN! How many times do I have to tell you! The door is open!"

Whoops, I always forget he told me that. "Sorry, I promise I won't forget next time.", I rolled my eyes and walked into his house. "You better not", I heard him mumble before closing the door.

"You remember all the lyrics and moves for the song today right.", Lou said. I turned around facing him. "Of course I did! We spent the whole day yesterday practicing.", I told him 

"Alright just making sure princess~" Oh my gosh again with the nicknames. "LOUIS! what have I said about the nicknames!"

Lou pulled me in a tight hug from behind me. "Don't worry sugar, you'll learn to accept my wonderful nicknames for you!~" 

I groaned loudly which only made Lou kiss my cheek. "Alright, I get it!" I yelled, making him let go of me. "C'mon Louis, we have a song to perform"

(3rd Pov)

The ugly dolls made their way to the scanners. First up was Moxy. The scanner scanned Moxy but unfortunately broke down. The rest of the dolls stepped out of the broken scanner. 

The perfect dolls around them started to scream at the sight of them. An ugly called Luckybat thought it was a customary greeting. So he screamed back to a random doll to which that doll fainted.

One of the uglies named Uglydog went up to a doll named Megan and said, "Hola mi amor, tu vienes Aqui mucho." Megan rolled her eyes and walked away after saying, "Hard pass."

Uglydog turned to wage. "I guess she's not bilingual, because that was my best line" which to Wage she replied, "Another swing, another miss!" 

Wage then walked away to find two dolls talking. "These skirts look so pretty on us!", one doll said.

"But are they absorbent!", Wage told them while blowing her nose into her apron. The two dolls looked disgusted and ran away.

All the ugly dolls gathered together to see the portal to the big world. Moxy gasped lightly. "Just imagine Uglies. All our dreams are waiting for us right through there. Nothing! And I mean nothing, is gonna stop us now!

A couple of feet away from the uglies were the spy girls and Mandy. Kitty was checking her makeup in her little mirror when she saw them. "EW! What are those!?

Lydia looked confused. "Is that some kind of doll?" Tuesday crossed her arms. Lou and Kaitlyn are so not gonna like this!" Kitty nodded her head. "Definitely not, they'are gonna be like 'I do not like this! Ew! Ew! Ew!'"

"Oh my gosh Kitty, that's such a good Kaitlyn and Lou impression!", Tuesday said. To which Kitty responded with, "I know right!".

All three spy girls looked at Mandy. "uh I-I know too. Right!" The spy girls rolled there eyes and looked forward to seeing a boy with brown hair with a green streak, and multicolor eyes. His name was Nolan.

"Uh excuse me, girls! Who's Kaitlyn and Lou" 

The three girls looked as though they've been offended. It all of the sudden turn dark and a single spotlight was shining down Nolan. "Whose Kaitlyn and Lou! Were you born yesterday!", Kitty said in a bitchy tone. Nolan looked around nervously. "U-Um. Yes!"

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