Chapter 9

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A/n: Heyo guys. I'm truly sorry for leaving you guys hanging. I had major writers block for this chapter. I didn't really feel like writing about the gauntlet so I was putting it off. But I have come back, and decided to finish this chapter. Bear with me, cause updates will be slow, cause I'm lazy and I got school. Also cause I spend most my time reading Haikyuu fanfics. But nevertheless I shall finish this book. Warning, This chapter is shitting cause I literally pulled it out of my ass🧍‍♀️. But lmao I swear it gets better. Anyways enjoy this poorly made chapter.😀👍

(3rd pov)

The gauntlet started as the group of dolls and ugly dolls ran and yelling out excitedly. A bug robot dog was in the middle of the door. Everyone turn the other in order not to get captured.

However Nolan didn't move. He was stuck with fear and couldn't move a single muscle. The robot dog grab ahold of Nolan running around with him in his mouth. "Help me!", Nolan screamed.
"Lou! We have to save him" Tuesday yelled out

"For once I agree with her", Kaitlyn said from her place in the stand, watching what was happening on the big screen.
"Leave him! He's a lost cause. He's gone forever."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOU!", Kaitlyn yelled out hoping he can hear her.

"I'm over here!! You could gave my hand!, Nolan tried to tell Lou as he was still in the dogs mouth.

"There's nothing we could've done", Lou says as he ignores Nolan.

The dolls try to run out the door but once again blocked by the dog.
"Good doggy", Nolan mutters as he was dropped from the dog's mouth.

"You call that a dog", Ugly dog says stepping forward. "It's alright guys. Slick dog's got this."

Upbeat music started playing as Ugly dog started to dance in attempt to distraction the robot dog.

"What are doing!?", Lou asks him
"Havin' fun, gettin' crazy, gettin' loose! Go I'll stall him. Go, go, go!"

The ugly dolls run past the robot dog and over the to railing of the stairs. They jumped on it and slid down.
The pretty dolls ran down the stairs. As they made it down a vacuum came out of the closet.

Lou pushed Tuesday into the vacuum and she got sucked up.

"You know what. I don't hate Lou for doing that. I think it was quite deserved.", Kaitlyn said as people around her look at her as if she were crazy.

The ugly dolls pass through  the kitchen as Lou was on top of the counters trying to mess them up.

Soon enough everyone was in the "living room" about to make it out.
The giant robot baby grab Lou, and kicked the others. Moxy was then grabbed by the baby also. "Unhand me, you annoying little hazard. Let go now!!" Lou screams as he kicked the baby in the face.

"DAMN!. Honestly though the robot deserved it. BUT STILL! NOT NICE LOU!!." Kaitlyn said out loud.

Just then everyone gasps as the baby started to cry. "Did you see that? Who kicks a baby??", a random doll shouted out to the crowd.

"Lou would" Kaitlyn said in her mind.

"BOO LOU", Everyone started to boo.
The robot baby throws Lou in to the toy box and everyone starts to cheer.

Moxy begins to run to the door but stops because the baby is still crying. Lou makes his way out of the toy box's and heads to the door. While Moxy slowly walks up to the crying robot. "It's ok. Don't cry. You'll be okay."

The baby stops crying as they hug Moxy.

Lou is out the door, but is kicked by the door and crosses the line. "No.."

The buzzer goes off.
"Sorry we didn't pass.", Moxy tells ox sadly.
The fake house starts to open as everyone in the crowd cheers. The ugly dolls look up to the board to see that they all pass.

"Gauntlet bypassed. Love and compassion are the doll's true purpose. Run celebration protocol. Time to party!.", The robots say.

Everyone suddenly stop cheering as a doll shouts "Look!"
They all look up to see Lou has not passed.
Lou starts to laugh. "We'll I guess the cat's out of the bag."

"You failed!" "How could you fail?", The spy girls question.
"You still don't get it! Of course I failed. I'll always fail!! IM A PROTOTYPE!!"

"Prototype is like a good thing, right?" Tuesday questions.
"No! He ain't a real doll, girl!"

"You thought that I stuck around this place, because I cared so much about you mindless sycophants!!" Lou shouted.
"Sycophants is like a good thing, right?"
"Ugh! No, you imbecile!"
"Is imbecile a good thing"
"My gut says, yeah"

"I'm the model, I'm the mold. Sent by the factory to help guide you through. Sounds amazing, right!"

"Uh.." Nolan starts

"WRONG!! Prototypes are not meant for public consumption. I was never allowed to go the big world, but you could! How could someone as ugly as you be accepted and loved. While someone as perfect as I never could and never will!"

"I mean, I was in love with you so never is a far stretch...", Kaitlyn mumble to herself.

"Let's see how you feel when you're trapped in this place forever, just like me." Lou states as he presses the elevator button and goes to get the knitting tool.

Kaitlyn suddenly stands up from her seat with a concerned face. "Shit! This can't be good"

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