Chapter 2

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(Kaitlyn's Pov)

The day was set, and I was headed to Lou's house for a sleepover. Well I'm calling it a sleepover, Lou specifically said it was a meeting about the situation, but sleepover sounds more fun. I was already in front of Lou's door and was about to knock, but then I remember this morning. 

I silently laugh and pen the door. When I walk through the door I could hear faint singing. Bring the curious doll I am, I went to Investigate. I slowly walk up the stairs and down the hall.

I stood in front of Lou's office door. This is where the music was coming from. I open the door a tiny bit to see Lou by his window.

"And I know how to do it without looking too uncouth, I plan it so foul, gross, hideous, nasty. They'll never see the ugly truth~"

I see Lou close his blinds when he finishes his song. Wow, such a creepy song. I Love it! But why sing without me...

I open the door fully and walk inside. "Nice song Lou!" Lou turned so fast, he could have broken his neck. "K- Kaitlyn! How long have you been there!", Lou stuttered, and Lou never stutters!

I run up and give him a tight hug. "Don't worry Lou, besides I loved that song. It was like you were trying to devise your evil plan. Which I'm apart of, Right!" I let go of Lou. "Of course, Kait. I just got worried for a sec." Lou said looking at me. 

"Worry, now what would you be worried about, I'm always on your side!"

"Thanks, Kaitlyn!"

"So, what are going to do about our situation.", I said getting serious. "Lou smiled wickedly. "Don't worry I have everything under control. Just follow my lead."  

"Ok Lou, but promise me you won't lose control. Things will up bad for, for us, if you lose control." Lou looked at me with a saddened expression. "I promise."


It was the next day at the institution. Lou was teaching his class today and asked me to insist him today, for reasons I already know of.

"Today we began training, and I know that seems stressful, maybe a little scary, but remember this is your purpose as a doll. And I would never let you fail. I've dedicated my entire life to make sure you go to the big world! That's right I'm doing this for you! And you! And you!"

I looked over at Nolan, he looked touched by Lou's words. "Me!", Nolan asked clearly confused.

"Yes, you!", Lou tells him.

"Wait! So that whole, 'your ugly, your trash' song, that was because you loved me!", Nolan looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Of course he loves you, he loves all of you!", I tell the class.

"And I will take you there!!" Lou shouts as fireworks shooted behind them. Everyone was gasping and ooh-ing.

Classic Lou always has to make a grand gesture. I silently laugh. "I wanna hate him! I mean I really wanna dislike this guy, but I gotta respect the man's fireworks budget!", I heard who I think was Uglydog.

"I'm so awesome, but I'm here to get you pretty because pretty makes perfect! And I don't know about You, but that sounds pretty great to me! So let get started~!!", Lou sang and danced off the stage. Lou nodded at me, I knew what to do.

"Do you want your clothes ruined by a tea party gone awry!", I told a female doll. "Do you want to find yourself on the business end of a permanent marker!", I said to another doll pointing a marker at her forehead. "No", the dolls seemed scared of me. "NO!", I yelled at the class.

Man imagine if the dolls were allowed to go without learning anything. These dolls, as I can see won't last a day in the big world.

I walked up to a random doll. "Your kid spent an hour styling your hair, but then...Disaster Strikes!! Who's gonna get the gum out?! WHO?!" 

The doll looked absolutely terrified and screamed, "I DON'T KNOW!!!"

I smirked in triumph. My job is complete. Lou likes to keep me around at his classes to scarce the dolls. 

Lou came up in front of the class. "Today you're going to practice how to avoid stains, smudges, and spills!"

When I heard the word spills, I saw a doll drinking tea. I ran over to him and smack the cup away from him. "Pay attention!", I growled. The doll nodded in fear and went back to listening to Lou.

"Or as I like to call them the esses of messes."

Voices erupted between the students. I guess the really like Lou's expressions. Well I mean who doesn't!

"Why Thank you! I actually came up with it myself-" 

Lou was interrupted by the ugly dolls having a glue fight. They have the nerve to interrupt Lou's class! Oh, the nerve!!

Lou calmly walked up to the group of misfits. I glared at the dolls that laughed at the fake fight the uglies were having. They immediately shut up.

"Sorry. Don't kids have fun getting messy? Wait, was this part of the test?!" Moxy said.

"Yes, it was...And you Pass!!" 

Wait! What the What. "For Real!!", Moxy exclaimed  "Enjoy the big world!

"Thank you so much!"

"I think we'd never make it"

Wait is Lou for real. "Lou are you insane!?", I whispered yelled at him.

"Patience, my Kaitlyn.", Lou whispered to me.

I huffed. I saw the uglies going into the light but then it wasn't light it was the washer. I made an o shape with my mouth, then smirked.

Lou closes the door of the washer. "This students is what happens to dolls who get messy" The water came out and the insides started to spin. "They get put through the wash!"

All the dolls gasps. Oooh, here's my chance to scare them more! "Every time you through the washer you come out a little less perfect. If you keep getting less and less perfect, one day even the washer won't save you! And your child's parents will throw you away!", I told the class.

"I just don't want to see any of you get rejected", Lou said facing the ugly dolls.

Lou and I both said together, "So if you want to pass these tests. Avoid mess! Stay out of the wash!

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