Chapter 4

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When Lou and I got back to his house I wanted to tell him I feel guilty but didn't know-how. " Hey, Lou?"

Lou turned around to face me. "Yes, princess!" Oh geez this going to be hard. "Umm...Look, don't be mad-"

"I can never be mad at you", Lou said interrupting me.

I drew in a deep breath, "Ok, I think we should just let the ugly dolls go to the big world.", I said calmly.

Lou's showed a look of confusion until it morphed to annoyment as he scoffed. "Are you suggesting we just those freaks out into the WORLd!!"

Now it was my turned to scoff. "Lou this is ridiculous. Just sent them to the big world and all our problems are done." 

He glared at me, and I could tell he was angry. "No Kailtyn, just NO!! If your supporting those freaks then you can't be my friend anymore."

Is he for real? "I'm not supporting them, I'm TRYING to get rid of our problems!", I tried to reason.




I huffed. "Fine! See how many days you can last without me!". I stormed out as silent tears ran down my face.

As I got to my house I collapsed on the couch now fully sobbing. How could he do this to me. After everything, I've done for him. He and I have been friends since we were made.

I was even catching feelings...


Sorry short chapter~ Kaitlyn


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