Up With the Rising Sons

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"Welcome to the Jade Palace, this is where you'll be staying for the rest of your life."

Daiyu looked up in awe at the large floating palace over Liyue. If she was impressed by the grand city already, the place where she was sold to work made her both nervous and excited. It was decorated out of jade, the sunlight reflecting each and every stone. There were many corridors and chambers to allow much confusion on invading forces. On section of the house held the Qixing, the government in which makes the rules of the city. Another section was the royal registry, where each and every citizen was archived for future generations. It was the main hall that Daiyu and the other maids were currently stading in. From here was the center of the palace and where most of the royal family lived.

The one leading the tour was a woman by the name Ganyu, one of the emperor's guards and workers for the Qixing. Daiyu was in awe at the fact that someone as young as her worked for by the emperor and lady's side. She must have held great power over certain parts of the palace.

Ganyu paused as she waved her arms out for the group of girl's to notice. "As we walk in the main hall, a few rules must be enforced." She got serious, her eyes narrowing. "You are now working for the great emperor Rex Lapis. This means you must never utter a single word of what goes on in this place. You must never make eye contact with any of the royal family. You will be on time for anything, even if it is a last minute adjustment. You must never talk back or question the authority of your superiors. And above all else, don't wander the grounds at night. Strange and terrible things happen to those who fail to be in their rooms by curfew."

There was muttering for a minute. Daiyu shifted on the balls of her feet, a nervous sweat running down her neck. Ganyu continued to lead them around the pavilion, pointing out the dining hall for the servants, a library, a parlor for breaks, and the rather large garden with a clock tower right in the middle. It was then when the girls started to whisper and squeal, snapping Daiyu out of the trance she found herself going into. There, sleeping by the tower, was the eldest prince Itto.


After waking up the emperor and getting him dressed, he dismissed me to go wake up his sons. I did not have to wake up Lady Ningguang since she is up when the sun rises and Lady Noelle was already doing her morning training sessions on the sparring grounds. As I walked by the window, I noticed her swinging her claymore to hit some target, each glowing gold from her powers. She wiped herself with a towel, her armor glistening in the sunlight. I couldn't stare any longer, the thought of her noticing me was embarrassing enough.

The first room down the prince's hallway was Itto's. Hesitantly, I hovered my hand over his door and gave a quick knock before flying backwards. A giant club nearly smashed me in as the door opened abruptly. There stood the smiling, disheveled appearance of the prince who wore nothing but his night pants to bed. He claimed because he got too hot during the night and would rip his shirt off. Once again I caught myself staring at the sweat glistening down his chest. The red marks that adorned his body was also mesmerizing to stare at.

"Oh! It's only you Tiny!" He exclaimed, placing his club down and leaning against the door. "I thought one of the younger maids were trying to sneak into my room again." Shaking his hair, he gave me a toothy grin. "Although, I wouldn't mind it if you were the one to sneak into my bedroom at night!"

I gave him a sharp glare. "Tiny" was his official nickname for me since he practically towers over me. Then again, he must've gotten the emperor's good genes when it came to height. Albedo got his brains while Gorou got his battle prowess. Unlike those two, the eldest prince was a big idiot.

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