Steel Cold Rival

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Her first night at the palace and she didn't feel safe at all.

After being interviewed by the entire Geo family, Daiyu was sent to a room down the ends of the hallway. Tomorrow would be maid assignment day and she would get a roommate. While the others were lead to a large room where pillows and blankets would be provided, she was sent to a guest room where the finest would lay their heads. There, a large bed decorated with golden linen and pillows sat on the edge of the wall. A massive mirror propped itself against the back window. A bathroom was linked to the room. A large armoire was by the bed. On top of the bed, there was a simple gold nightgown and sleep slippers for her to use.

Well, she wasn't expecting this at all.

Making sure she was alone, Daiyu put on the gown and slippers before brushing her hair. Perhaps she could sleep this whole day off and not have to worry about facing the family tomorrow. She would be a small fish in a large pond. Yeah...that sounded just about right. No sticking out at all. As she walked to the window, Daiyu stared at the stars in the endless skies and gave a soft smile.

Before a large beast appeared in front of her face.

There was a slight pause before Daiyu screamed in fear and fell backwards. The creature towered over her in every form of way and had beady red eyes that stared into her soul. Shivering, she saw him huff at her actions and snort some air at her fallen body.

"What's a pitiful human like you doing in such a large room? Are you a dignitary or princess?" It asked, making her eyes widened more. 

This creature could talk!

The door swung open to reveal the mass of muscle that was Itto, a worried Noelle, and a sluggish looking Gorou. When they saw Daiyu on the floor, Itto swooped down and hugged the girl.

"Hey Tiny, are you alright? Who do I need to kill? I can hide the body well.Itto stared into her eyes, making her scared more.

"Itto, please place Miss Daiyu down. She's looking more scared than ever. I'm afraid you'll frighten her more by saying such nonsense." Noelle gently took Daiyu out of his arms and patted her down. “Are you harmed? Do you require some tea?” 

Daiyu’s eyes darted to the giant dragon who was staring her down. “What is that thing?”

”THING! HOW DARE YOU REFER TO ME AS A THING?” The monster roared down at her, making Daiyu scream in terror. “I AM THE GREAT AZHDAHA AND YOU WILL GIVE ME THE RESPECT THAT I-!”

Suddenly, the entire place rumbled as the dragon shut up instantly. Gorou glared at him, his tail wagging behind his body. 

“You know father hates it when you make a big fuss this late at night. Go back to the main garden now.” 

The big dragon grumbled before leaving the window. Daiyu placed a hand over her still beating heart as she fell to the ground. Noelle sighed, picking her up with her immense strength and placing her on the bed. Itto patted her head while leaping into the bed with her.

”Whelp…goodnight to you!” He wrapped his arms around her and started falling asleep. 

“H-H-Hey wait a minute! You can’t just sleep with the maid!” Gorou sat at the foot of the bed. “I’ll tell father!”

”Go ahead and tell him. He’ll want to join too.” 

Noelle shook her head once more before laying down next to Daiyu on the right side. “He won’t know if you won’t tell him. Goodnight Gorou!” 

The poor general watched as his siblings cuddled next to the pretty maid. Giving a frustrated huff, he laid down at the end of the bed and curled to sleep. Daiyu struggled to get out of the grip of the oni prince as her eyes darted around the room. To her surprise, the strange dragon came back to the window. The red eyes stared down at her, making the room grow colder. 

She needed to get out of here.
Deep in the waters of Liyue lay a temple that was sealed with the mark of the Geo Emperor. A golden seal was placed on an old decrepit temple with marble walls covered in algae, cracks all over the walls, and a endless swirling dark energy filtering throughout the area. Within the temple lay one of the worst beings in Liyue history, an old enemy of the aged emperor. 

Who was currently watching his enemy from a newly made mirror of his own creation.

Osial was more comfortable in his human form for a long time now. Embracing his nice body and snakelike blue hair was fine, but the rags that surrounded him was atrocious. Once he found a way to break the seal, he would rain upon the surface once more and take out the one who locked him away in the first place. 

Oh….and save his ex-wife.

”So…what are you up to today, my old rival?” He murmured, clenching his hands as he sat on some rubble. “Surely you must be living great up there on the surface. I once was up there ruling over the land before you and your vile adeptus took me out and locked me away. Now you rule a nearly perfect society with no more than a few others who follow you blindly. I will take what you have created and make it my own. You will know true fear and torture when I get my hands on you. Now…let us see how you and your happy little family are doing?” 

From the mirror emerge the image of the Geo family smiling and laughing as they were in the marketplace. Zhongli was sniffing the vegetables then placed them in the basket. Ningguang was at the front, waiting for them to grab what they needed so she could pay for them. Itto ran around the market, grabbing random items and placing them into the cart. Gorou and Albedo worked together to look at the actual list and find the appropriate ingredients. Sweet Noelle was helping the shopkeepers clean up after her brother and father. While Osial pondered the reason for this family outing, he noticed someone else was with the group. This person stood out differently from the others, not baring a vision like the others. This one wore modest clothing, bore no makeup, and spoke with a soft tone. Plain and ordinary was the words he would use to describe her.

And yet….there was a simple charm to her that made her quite beautiful. 

Not even the emperor’s first love was this simple.

Osial chuckled to himself, thinking how to make contact with this weakness of a woman. Perhaps he could persuade her to join his side and release him from his prison. Then he would slaughter the royal family and maybe keep her as a trophy of his conquest. 

“All I need is to create the perfect puppet to get her attention.”
Next time: The Geo Family have different dates they have with Daiyu! Can she please them all?

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